FR: Fonctionne très bien, aucun problème et vaut le prix! merci au créateur !
EN: Works great, no problem and worth the price! thank you to the creator !
First of all Perfect Job.
If someone type /admin the default window is: Commands / Chat Commands.
My opinion is, the first window of plugin to be Online List of player. The only way to see the players (online) is to go to Groups -> User Groups and I don't really like it for every time. :P I dont know I just give an idea!
Amazing plugin for an admin. Puts any command you want at a mouse click (after you make a few edits to the config). My favorite part of it. The permissions pages. If you're setting up a new server or doing things over again, adding permissions is a pain in the ass. With this you just click on the group you want to edit and just click to turn the permission on or off. Simple as that.