Clans REBORN 3.0.40

Changed to make ClansUI work with Carbons compiler
Updated for pool changes
Revert because I am an idiot
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior

Pool changes per Rust update
Cast userID arguments in hooks using to ulong
Fixed for Rust update
Fixed some responses in commands that were incorrect
Clan lookup by tag is case insensitive
When using clan tags in commands, if the target clan is found replace the tag with the actual clan tag so anything that happens with that clan tag is case sensitive
Call the OnClanUpdate hook when clan alliances have been revoked
Added config option "Member invite cooldown time after a member has left the clan (seconds)"
Added responses for all the clans administrator console commands
Apply standard chat character limits to clan and alliance chat
Removed config option "Minimum auth level required to view clan info"
Added config option "Use permission for clan info command"
Added config option "Clan info command permission"