Deepwater Rig Event

Deepwater Rig Event 1.0.27


Plugin is being reitred in 30 days.. it is no longer available for Sale but will remain on Chaos for anyone who previously purchased to download old copies.

Add your very own Automated and Randomized Water Event to your server now !!!!
NEW !!! Version 1.0.27 Tweaks and Null fixes
Compound Rig is back !!

Deepwater compound.jpg


Players can sail out to see to get the riches that are bountiful on this Deepwater Rig. But the rig has many hidden dangers. There are 4 STAGES of the event spawn.
** Event Rundown **
Once a EVENT rig spawns, it will broadcast its Grid location to all players and show a Loot map marker on the map. Players can easily find it on the map and get there fast. When Stage 1 starts, it will broadcast to all players. Which means the CH47 has landed on the Rig for refueling. It has a few Scientists aboard that do not like to be disturbed. But wait, something goes wrong after a short while. Stage 2 will start and broadcast to all. Fire and explosions. Not good. Helicopter goes down. Hackable loot crate is dropped on lower deck. Get there fast to start the timer players. The rig is getting very unstable. Hack Timer is set for 3:20. Stage 3 Will start soon. This is the start of the Serious Rig issues. Players will have to watch out while they wait for the Hackable crate to unlock.( You will see). They can "attempt" to get the normal loot crate spawns around the Rig. ha ha. Then Stage 4 should start. The crate should be unlocked or soon to be. But beware, the Rig is very unstable and I would advise to get OFF NOW !!!!
Zone Manager Options
You can now have Zone Manager Auto Spawn a zone around the rig to set various options for your server.
The 4 categories for the config are:
EVENT rigs
RANDOM spawned rigs
LOCAL spawned rigs

Each Rig category has 3 Zone options
1. Enable or Disable the Autozone for this category
2. Zone ID : Changing the ID from the default will manually set a ZoneID for all Rigs of that type. Leaving it with default numbers, it will auto generate a Zone ID from the Entity ID of the rig.
3. Zone Parameters : You can Set any Zone Manager Parameter/Option, EXCEPT ZONE ID. You must follow 2 rules when typing the single line string for the options. Each command, option is separated by comma with NO Spaces.
Example code (actual default for Event Rig) will make the radius to 50, then set enter_message to You have entered a Event Rig Area
"radius,50,enter_message,You have entered a Event Rig Area"
Example Code : To set radius to 50 and set the notp option to true


Two types of Deepwater Rigs !!!!
Type 1 - Static NON Event Rig - When spawning, will be fulling working pumpjack and all. But it will not include the EVENT Stages.
Type 2 - EVENT Rig - this will spawn a rig and then start STAGE 1 after allotted time in config. This will start all hell breaking loose by the time you get to STAGE 4. But the loot is sweet !!!
** Compound Rigs are disabled - Lots of weird issues with vending machines

How to set Automated / Random Rig Events :
By default, the config option is set to false.
Change the "_Event - AutoSpawn Event at random Intervals between Min and Max Respawn time ?" to TRUE, and reload plugin.
It will be automated and start spawning a rig every so often. Once a EVENT Rig is destroyed, the wait timer will randomize between Min and Max time set in config. Then spawn a new Rig around the map.

What are the STAGES of a EVENT rig and what do they do ?
RIG SPAWN - When a EVENT Rig is spawned.

Config Note: STAGE 1 Duration is the amount of time to wait after rig has spawned, to start STAGE 1.
STAGE 1 - Helicopter will land on helipad and start the "refueling" process. Its a dangerous one. So don't aggravate the scientists onboard !!!

Config Note: STAGE 2 Duration is the duration to wait after STAGE 1 before STAGE 2 will be enabled. (MUST BE LOWER THAN 5000, or 5 Min approx.)
STAGE 2 - Helicopter Disaster and Hackable Loot Crate Event. Get to the Hackable crate as soon as possible. 3:20 minutes to wait for the hack to complete. But it wont be easy.

Config Note: STAGE 3 duration is the duration to wait after STAGE 2 has begun before STAGE 3 will be enabled.
STAGE 3 - HOLY FIRE BALLS BATMAN !!! - ok, by this time, shit will start to get real. Get the Hackable crate if you can. catch any other loot spawns as well.

Config Note: STAGE 4 duration is after STAGE 3 Completes itself, STAGE 4 will be enabled automatically. This is the final countdown to the end after STAGE 3 is over.
STAGE 4 - SHIT SHIT SHIT !! time is getting really short... better get going fast.

Features of the Standard RIG Spawn (Event or NON):
Loots spawns - there are 8 locations that loot crates can spawn on the rig normally. You can set how many will spawn at a time and how often in the config file. Plus you can limit what loot crate prefabs to use as well.
Pumpjack - The pumpjack engine will autostart when spawned with a limited low grade fuel. It is a high output Deepwater pump jack that gives Crude Oil, HQ metal ore, Metal Ore and sulfur Ore. These can be enabled/disabled in config. Players can keep in running by adding more fuel for the engine.

deepwater.spawn - Allows authorized user to spawn rigs manually and start rig events manually.

Commands (chat) :
/spawnrig - Spawns a NON event rig at your location.
/spawncompoundrig - Spawns a NON event Compound rig at your location.
/spawnrandomrig - Spawns a NON event rig randomly around the map.
/spawnrigevent - Spawn a EVENT rig at your location.
/spawnrandomrigevent - Spawn a EVENT rig randomly around the map.
/destroyrig - Allows player to destroy the rig they are looking at.
/clearrigdatabase - Allows ADMIN only to clear the saved rig database.

Commands (console) :

spawnrig - Spawns a NON event rig at your location.
spawncompoundrig - Spawns a NON event compound rig at your location.
spawnrandomrig - Spawns a NON event rig randomly around the map.
spawnrigevent - Spawn a EVENT rig at your location.
spawnrandomrigevent - Spawn a EVENT rig randomly around the map.

Default Configuration :
  "_Event - AutoSpawn - Maximum Respawn Time for event  (Every 1000 is approx 1 min) : ": 30000,
  "_Event - AutoSpawn - Minimum Respawn Time for event  (Every 1000 is approx 1 min) : ": 10000,
  "_Event - AutoSpawn - Spawn Event at random Intervals between Min and Max Respawn time ? ": false,
  "_Event - Broadcast Event ending to all players ?  ": true,
  "_Event - Broadcast Event spawn to all players ?  ": true,
  "_Event - Broadcast Event stages to all players ? ": true,
  "_Event - Damage - Stage 3 Barrel Explosion Damage : ": 50.0,
  "_Event - Duration - Rig Spawn to Stage 1 Wait Time : ": 6000,
  "_Event - Duration - Stage 1 to Stage 2 Wait Time (MAX is 4500) : ": 4000,
  "_Event - Duration - Stage 2 Duration to Stage 3 Wait Time : ": 1000,
  "_Event - Duration - Stage 3 Time between Barrel Explosions : ": 100,
  "_Event - Duration - Stage 4 Countdown Time (Every 1000 is approx 1 min) : ": 2000,
  "_Event - Hack Crate will always have a full Diving Kit (wetsuit, tank, fins and mask) ? ": true,
  "_Event - Hack time for Hack crate during event : ": 200.0,
  "_Event - Minimum Player Count needed to AutoSpawn Event Rig ? ": 5,
  "_Event - Reset global Hack Crate time back to (900 is default) after event : ": 900.0,
  "_Event - Spawn Barrels (and explosions) for Event Rigs ? ": true,
  "_Event - Spawn Bucket Lift for Event Rigs ? ": true,
  "_Event - Spawn Hack Crate for Stage 2 ? ": true,
  "_Event - Spawn Ladders for Event Rigs ? ": true,
  "_Event - Spawn Loots crates for Event Rigs ? ": true,
  "Allow Damage to Deepwater Rig ? ": false,
  "Automatically have lift bucket go up and down periodically ? ": true,
  "Compound - Spawn the Sentry Guns if rig is a compound ? ": false,
  "Despawn - Enable despawn timer on Manually placed Deepwater Rigs ? ": false,
  "Despawn - Enable despawn timer on Randomly Spawned Deepwater Rigs ? ": true,
  "Despawn - Time before Deepwater Rig will despawn itself : ": 60000.0,
  "Destroy all Manually Spawned Deepwater Rigs when plugin reloads or server restarts ? ": false,
  "Destroy all Random Spawned Deepwater Rigs when plugin reloads or server restarts ? ": false,
  "Loot Spawn - amount of time to respawn loot spawns on rig : ": 1000.0,
  "Loot Spawn - maximum number of loot crates spawn locations (max 8) : ": 2,
  "Loot Spawn - Random Loot prefab 1 : ": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_basic.prefab",
  "Loot Spawn - Random Loot prefab 2 : ": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab",
  "Loot Spawn - Random Loot prefab 3 : ": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_mine.prefab",
  "Loot Spawn - Random Loot prefab 4 : ": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab",
  "Loot Spawn - Random Loot prefab 5 : ": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab",
  "Resource Deposit - Enable Crude Oil as a resource : ": true,
  "Resource Deposit - Enable High Quality Metal Ore as a resource : ": true,
  "Resource Deposit - Enable Metal Ore as a resource : ": true,
  "Resource Deposit - Enable Sulfur Ore as a resource : ": true,
  "Resource Deposit - Tick Rate - Get 1 Crude Oil every : (if enabled) : ": 1,
  "Resource Deposit - Tick Rate - Get 1 HQ Metal every (if enabled) : ": 1,
  "Resource Deposit - Tick Rate - Get 1 Metal Ore every (if enabled) : ": 1,
  "Resource Deposit - Tick Rate - Get 1 Sulfur Ore every (if enabled) : ": 1,
  "Spawn - Broadcast to chat when Deepwater spawns and its coords ? ": true,
  "Spawn - Height of rig off water. 13 to 19 works best : ": 16.0,
  "Spawn - Helipad H logo Half 1 (H) rug skind ID ? ": 1371746398,
  "Spawn - Helipad H logo Half 2 (H) rug skind ID ? ": 1371746398,
  "Spawn - Spawn Barrels for Standard Rigs (non Event) ? ": true,
  "Spawn - Spawn Bucket Lift for Standard Rigs (non Event) ? ": true,
  "Spawn - Spawn Ladders for Standard Rigs (non Event) ? ": true,
  "Spawn - Spawn Loots Crates for Standard Rigs (non Event) ? ": true,
  "Spawn - Starting Low Grade Fuel amount for engine when Deepwater spawns : ": 100,
  "ZoneManager - Automatic Zone - Autmatically spawn a zone when Compound Rig Spawns ? ": false,
  "ZoneManager - Automatic Zone - Autmatically spawn a zone when Event Rig Spawns ? ": true,
  "ZoneManager - Automatic Zone - Autmatically spawn a zone when Local Rig Spawns ? ": false,
  "ZoneManager - Automatic Zone - Autmatically spawn a zone when Random Rig Spawns ? ": false,
  "ZoneManager - Automatic Zone Options - Compound Zone Creation Arguments (except zone id, no space after commas) ": "radius,50,enter_message,You have entered a Compound Rig Area",
  "ZoneManager - Automatic Zone Options - Event Rig Zone Creation Arguments (except zone id, no space after commas) ": "radius,50,enter_message,You have entered a Event Rig Area",
  "ZoneManager - Automatic Zone Options - Local Zone Creation Arguments (except zone id, no space after commas) ": "radius,50,enter_message,You have entered a Rig Area",
  "ZoneManager - Automatic Zone Options - Random Zone Creation Arguments (except zone id, no space after commas) ": "radius,50,enter_message,You have entered a Random Rig Area",
  "ZoneManager - Enable Predefined Zone ID - Turn this on for Compound Rigs (otherwise, it autogenerates one from entity ID) ? ": false,
  "ZoneManager - Enable Predefined Zone ID - Turn this on for Event Rigs (otherwise, it autogenerates one from entity ID) ? ": false,
  "ZoneManager - Enable Predefined Zone ID - Turn this on for Local Rigs (otherwise, it autogenerates one from entity ID) ? ": false,
  "ZoneManager - Enable Predefined Zone ID - Turn this on for Random Rigs (otherwise, it autogenerates one from entity ID) ? ": false,
  "ZoneManager - Zone ID - Use This Predefined Compound Rig Zone ID (if enabled) ": "555555",
  "ZoneManager - Zone ID - Use This Predefined Event Rig Zone ID (if enabled) ": "999999",
  "ZoneManager - Zone ID - Use This Predefined Local Rig Zone ID (if enabled) ": "223344",
  "ZoneManager - Zone ID - Use This Predefined Random Rig Zone ID (if enabled) ": "123456"


Colon Blow
First release
Last update
3.74 star(s) 27 ratings

Latest Release v1.0.27

Jun 4, 2022 at 3:12 AM
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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Deepwater Rig Event by Colon Blow
© May 1, 2018

Latest reviews

Would be a great plugin If the event would work correctly. Ch47 not landing and not allowing you to shoot the guards. Disappointing, Used to be a great plugin.
having problems with a couple of things with the plugin at the moment.. I have had problems with spawning the rig and showing up underground and also with the rig not working right at all at times ...have reload it a couple of times and still having issue ...Would like to know if you could put in spawns for npc's on the rig .
is a great plugin or would be but has some issues and has been updated in long while so save ur money tbh
We used a custom map and this resulted in deepwater rig repeatedly spawning under terrain and leaving content after finishing. Resulted in massive lag in the area around it. Would not advise getting this until the issue is fixed.
Works fine :)
An sich ist das Plugin gut, jedoch sind die Bots verbugt. Hätte mir eher gewünscht, dass nicht der Ch47 auftaucht, eher die Bots verteilt auf der Insel auftauchen. Die Bots reagieren auch erst dann, wenn man mindestens ein anschiesst.

Die 10 Dollar sind es mir nicht wert, wenn 5 Dollar.

Wenn jedoch das alles noch behoben wird, dann 10 Dollar wert!

Colon Blow
Colon Blow
yes the npcs on the ch47 do not do much ai, they will shoot back some if you attack them. but the ch47 is mostly for the event to start the fires on the rig.
decent event, not what it used to be though
Broken, no word on updates
By Far one of the BEST plugins available for Rust. Thank you for this Collin!!
barrels not showing and the bucket lift goes to deep underwater
Colon Blow
Colon Blow
Correct. Barrels that explode no lomger show up. Now players do not know exactly were to avoid for explosives. And the bucket lift is what it is. Lol. It is very long for sure. No way to change the animated prefab.