
DynamicCupShare 3.1.15

This plugin requires the Chaos extension -> https://chaoscode.io/resources/chaos.321/

Dynamic Cupboard Share allows dynamic sharing of tool cupboard and auto turret authorization, and code locks on many entity types between clan members, team members or friends without the need for those users having to authorize them selves, or enter codes in code locks.
It also lets you optionally allow players to place locks on many types of entities that are not normally lockable.


  • Select which share types are allowed on your server
  • Select which share types per team type are allowed on your server
  • Optional permissions for sharing between different team types
  • Options for which tool cupboards based traps are shared with TC sharing (guntrap, flame turret, samsite)
  • Optional building restrictions on icebergs, ice sheets and ice lakes
  • Various tool cupboard security options
  • Easy to use user interface for toggling your shares which dynamically changes based on your share settings in the config
  • Customizable color scheme for user interface
  • Works with the Clans plugin, the Friends plugin, and Rusts team system
  • Toggle-able admin mode allows administrators to easily get full access to players bases
  • Options to allow locks to be placed on furnaces, bbqs, refineries, composters, planter boxes, dropboxes, vending machines, mixing tables and hitch & troughs, and shared between team types
  • Option to enable/disable key lock sharing

DynamicCupShare uses Oxides permission system
To assign a user permission use oxide.grant user "username|steam id" "permission" in console.
To assign a group permission use oxide.grant group "groupname" "permission" in console.
You can read more about how to use the permission system here : uMod - Permissions
All permissions can be changed in the config. The following permissions are the default values
dynamiccupshare.canclanshare - If enabled, only players with this permission can share between clan mates
dynamiccupshare.canfriendshare - If enabled, only players with this permission can share between friends
dynamiccupshare.canteamshare - If enabled, only players with this permission can share between team mates
dynamiccupshare.adminmode - Require to use the /dcsadmin chat command

Chat Commands
/share - Opens the share menu for the player running the command
/shareplayer <steamID> - This opens the share menu for the target player and allows the admin to toggle that players share types. Only admins with auth level 2 can use this command
/dcsadmin - Toggles admin mode. Requires the Admin Permission set in the config

Tool Cupboard Sharing
The tool cupboard sharing function gives everyone, who enters the cupboard range of a clan member / team member / friend, instant building rights, providing the owner of the tool cupboard has enabled the sharing functionality and also the owner itself is authorized on the tool cupboard. It provides also seamless traveling through clan member / team member / friend cupboard zones inside a base.

Disabling tool cupboard sharing will instantly remove all the temporarily shared members from the cupboards authorization list

Turret Sharing
Turret sharing works the same way as cupboards

Lock Sharing
The different types of lock sharing only allows for opening of said object. It does not add the clan member / team member / friend to the code lock white lists. With this, each players deployed code locks will stay secure and can’t be changed or removed by any other person then the owner himself.

Disabling lock sharing on a entity type or removal of a clan member / team member / friend will instantly prevent those members from accessing the lock

Admin Mode
By using the chat command /dcsadmin you can toggle administrator mode. This will give you access to all doors, boxes and lockers, and temporarily register you on tool cupboards and turrets for any base on the map

Short video demonstration (pre 3.x.x version, does not reflect current state of plugin besides functionality)

The configuration file can be found in your server directory at .../oxide/config/DynamicCupShare.json
The use of an editor and validator is recommended to avoid formatting issues
  "Sharing Options": {
    "Allowed share types": {
      "Allow cupboard sharing": true,
      "Allow door sharing": true,
      "Allow box sharing": true,
      "Allow locker sharing": true,
      "Allow turret sharing": true,
      "Allow composter sharing (also enables locks to be placed on composters)": false,
      "Allow dropbox sharing (also enables locks to be placed on dropboxes)": false,
      "Allow vending machine sharing (also enables locks to be placed on vending machines)": false,
      "Allow furnace sharing (also enables locks to be placed on furnaces)": false,
      "Allow bbq sharing (also enables locks to be placed on bbqs)": false,
      "Allow refinery sharing (also enables locks to be placed on refinery)": false,
      "Allow planter sharing (also enables locks to be placed on planters)": false,
      "Allow hitch and trough sharing (also enables locks to be placed on hitch and troughs)": false,
      "Allow mixing table sharing (also enables locks to be placed on mixing table)": false
    "Clan": {
      "Clan sharing includes alliances?": false,
      "Is this share type allowed?": true,
      "Enable cupboard sharing by default": true,
      "Enable door sharing by default": true,
      "Enable box sharing by default": true,
      "Enable locker sharing by default": true,
      "Enable turret sharing by default": true,
      "Enable furnace sharing by default": false,
      "Enable refinery sharing by default": false,
      "Enable bbq sharing by default": false,
      "Enable composter sharing by default": false,
      "Enable planter sharing by default": false,
      "Enable dropbox sharing by default": false,
      "Enable vending machine sharing by default": false,
      "Enable hitch and trough sharing by default": false,
      "Enable mixing table sharing by default": false
    "Friend": {
      "Is this share type allowed?": false,
      "Enable cupboard sharing by default": true,
      "Enable door sharing by default": true,
      "Enable box sharing by default": true,
      "Enable locker sharing by default": true,
      "Enable turret sharing by default": true,
      "Enable furnace sharing by default": false,
      "Enable refinery sharing by default": false,
      "Enable bbq sharing by default": false,
      "Enable composter sharing by default": false,
      "Enable planter sharing by default": false,
      "Enable dropbox sharing by default": false,
      "Enable vending machine sharing by default": false,
      "Enable hitch and trough sharing by default": false,
      "Enable mixing table sharing by default": false
    "Team": {
      "Is this share type allowed?": true,
      "Enable cupboard sharing by default": true,
      "Enable door sharing by default": true,
      "Enable box sharing by default": true,
      "Enable locker sharing by default": true,
      "Enable turret sharing by default": true,
      "Enable furnace sharing by default": false,
      "Enable refinery sharing by default": false,
      "Enable bbq sharing by default": false,
      "Enable composter sharing by default": false,
      "Enable planter sharing by default": false,
      "Enable dropbox sharing by default": false,
      "Enable vending machine sharing by default": false,
      "Enable hitch and trough sharing by default": false,
      "Enable mixing table sharing by default": false
    "Chat command": "share",
    "Disable key lock sharing": false
  "Permission Options": {
    "Clan Share Permission (if enabled, players will need this permission to use Clan share)": {
      "Permission": "dynamiccupshare.canclanshare",
      "Enabled": false
    "Friend Share Permission (if enabled, players will need this permission to use Friend share)": {
      "Permission": "dynamiccupshare.canfriendshare",
      "Enabled": false
    "Team Share Permission (if enabled, players will need this permission to use Team share)": {
      "Permission": "dynamiccupshare.canteamshare",
      "Enabled": false
    "Admin Permission (required to toggle admin mode)": "dynamiccupshare.adminmode",
    "Toggle admin mode when player connects (requires the admin permission)": false
  "Turret Share Options": {
    "Turret share includes gun traps": true,
    "Turret share includes flame turrets": true,
    "Turret share includes sam sites": true
  "Building Restrictions": {
    "Prevent building on icebergs": false,
    "Prevent building on ice sheets": false,
    "Prevent building on ice lakes": false
  "Security Options": {
    "Permanently enable turret sharing between clan and team members": false,
    "Prevent friendly players from accessing cupboard and turret auth lists": true,
    "Prevent non-friendly players from accessing cupboard and turret auth lists": false,
    "Prevent cupboard and turret sharing if owner is not in the authorized list of that entity": true,
    "Maximum allowed authorizations on a tool cupboard (0 = disabled)": 0
  "Data Management": {
    "Save data in ProtoBuf format": false,
    "Purge user data after X days of inactivity (0 is disabled)": 7
  "UI Colors": {
    "Background": {
      "Hex": "151515",
      "Alpha": 0.94
    "Panel": {
      "Hex": "FFFFFF",
      "Alpha": 0.165
    "Button": {
      "Hex": "2A2E32",
      "Alpha": 1.0
    "Highlight": {
      "Hex": "C4FF00",
      "Alpha": 1.0
    "Close": {
      "Hex": "CE422B",
      "Alpha": 1.0
  "Version": {
    "Major": 3,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 9


First release
Last update
4.86 star(s) 35 ratings

Latest Release v3.1.15

Oct 3, 2024 at 9:56 AM
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

More resources from k1lly0u

  • PilotEject
    A mini event where a helicopter malfunctions and the pilot has to eject
  • HeliRefuel
    A mini-event where a helicopter populated with NPCs needs to land to refuel
  • ZombieHorde
    Create hordes of zombies that roam around your server looking for brains
  • Admin Menu
    Admin Menu
    Manage groups, permissions, commands and convars from a GUI menu
  • TeleportGUI
    Teleport, home and warp with a easy to use UI

DynamicCupShare by k1lly0u
© chaoscode.io Feb 2, 2017

Latest reviews

Doesnt work with allies

Plugin works with clans but not with allies even tho it says it supports it

(Yes I've triple checked the config with multiple people lol and I'm not the only one having this issue)

+ no support (no support on discord server either)
melhor a anos presente em nossos servidores comunidade .equipe dapper
very good and I want to take advantage and say that I encountered a problem related to low fps when using dynamiccupshare.adminmode
For years now state of the art qol plugin for every modded rust server.

thanks for keeping up the good work !
The Best!!
Now I have tests for almost 1 year and can highly recommend
Just perfect for my server !
Best plugin.... so many features !!!! this is life improving so much .... was the first plugin i bought :) and i will never regret it!!!!
Very good plugin!