Entity Inspector provides detailed information about any entity in the game world. Point at an entity and use the command to get extensive details including network IDs, ownership, health status, biome information, and more.Features
- Detailed entity information with color-coded output
- Type-specific information for various entities:
- IOEntity (power systems)
- Building blocks
- Storage containers
- Doors
- Auto turrets
- Furnaces
- Code lock information with PIN display
- Biome detection
- Network and ownership details
- Class inheritance visualization
- Distance measurements
- Position and rotation data
- /inspectent - Inspect the entity you're looking at
- entityinspector.use - Allows use of the inspection tool
Recommended For
- Server Administrators
- Plugin Developers
Technical Notes
- Inspection range configurable (default 10m)
- Code lock information requires specific permissions
- Console output automatically strips HTML formatting
- Class inheritance displayed last to prioritize critical information
- Color-coded values for power and lock states
- Supports both chat and console output channels
By purchasing, downloading, installing, or using this plugin, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Plugin License Agreement.
"EnableConsoleOutput": true,
"EnableChatOutput": true,
"InspectDistance": 10.0,
"ColorPrimary": "#98FB98",
"ColorTitle": "#ffc34d",
"ColorValues": "#FFFFFF",
"ShowBiomeInfo": true,
"ShowDistance": true,
"ShowInheritance": true,
"ShowNetworkInfo": true,
"ShowOwnership": true,
"ShowCodeLockInfo": true,
"ShowCodeLockCode": true,
"ShowPosition": true,
"ShowRotation": true
Lang File
"NoPermission": "You don't have permission to use Entity Inspector",
"NoEntity": "No entity found. Make sure you're looking at one!",
"InvalidEntity": "Invalid entity.",
"Title": "【 Entity Inspector 】",
"ShortPrefab": "Short Prefab",
"FullPrefab": "Full Prefab Path",
"Position": "Position",
"Rotation": "Rotation",
"Health": "Health",
"MaxHealth": "Max Health",
"IsValid": "Is Valid",
"IsBroken": "Is Broken",
"NetworkID": "Network ID",
"NetworkGroup": "Network Group",
"OwnerID": "Owner ID",
"ParentEntity": "Parent Entity",
"BiomeInfo": "Biome",
"Distance": "Distance",
"PowerInput": "Power Input",
"PowerOutput": "Power Output",
"HasCodeLock": "Has CodeLock",
"LockState": "Lock State",
"LockCode": "Lock Code",
"Inheritance": "Class Inheritance",
"Grade": "Grade",
"BuildingID": "Building ID",
"InventorySlots": "Inventory Slots",
"ItemsCount": "Items Count",
"IsLocked": "Is Locked",
"DoorState": "Door State",
"CanOpen": "Can Open",
"HasTarget": "Has Target",
"IsCooking": "Is Cooking",
"Temperature": "Temperature"
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