Ever wanted to have WORKING fuel gauges in your Rust cars and 'copters, but didn't want to keep the boring Vanilla stack size?
Look no further!
This plugin resolves the issue where fuel gauges simply refuse to show anything but empty when you have high stack sizes, but put in an otherwise reasonable amount of fuel. This forces the game to recalculate the code, where it gets what the actual fractional value for your gauge would be (0.0 - 1.0, where 1.0 is full) based on IF your stack size was actually 1,000, instead of whatever your stack size is. 1,000 is a lot of fuel for a vehicle in Rust, but if your stack sizes are set to 100,000, well, that's pretty small, fractionally.
This aims to resolve the issue where if you had a high stack size, such as 100,000, but put in "only" 1,000 LGF, it would show as being literally empty. Instead, it'll now show that it is full of fuel!
This does not need to be set up or configured in any way for cars or scrap helicopters.
Only the Minicopter has its own fuel gauge code within Rust, which does not use the same code as the rest of the fuel gauges in the game.
Because of this, it must be configured by a number. By default, it is set to "5,000", which makes the in-game gauge appear full when you put in 1,000 Low Grade Fuel.
I don't know why it has to be so much higher than the actual stack size, but in my testing, it did.
Default Config (FuelGaugeFix.json in "config" folder):
"Minicopter - Fuel Gauge Max": 5000