Grenade Launcher

Grenade Launcher 0.1.32

Fixed for Rust update
Fixed for Oxide hook changes (requires Oxide v2.0.4300 or higher)
Update default config with new image URLs. This will not overwrite your existing config!
Prevent players shooting grenades through walls
Fixed for new issues regarding arguments passed in hooks
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Reactions: MalS
Updated default item ID's for Rust update. The config should automatically replace these if you are still using the default values, if you have customised the weapon or the projectile type then you will need to replace the IDs for the items you have chosen
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Reactions: MalS
Adjust launch position when crouched
Strip ammo from weapon when in hands
Added config option to refund stripped ammunition
Fix UI crosshair persisting when killed
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Reactions: MalS
Rewrite of core plugin functionality
Reworked config

Added config option to require players have the base weapon when using the chat command, and convert that weapon to a grenade launcher
Added config option for sticky grenades (irrelevant when explode on impact is set to true)
Added config option for grenade damage multiplier
Added config option to toggle a UI crosshair when the player is aiming down the sights