Helicopter Assist
Advanced helicopter control system featuring hover mode, emergency recovery, and intelligent auto-landing capabilities.
Smart Hover Mode - Lock your helicopter in position with perfect stability
Emergency Recovery - Instantly stabilize and recover from dangerous situations
Intelligent Auto-Landing with obstacle, environment, and collision avoidance
*Works with ALL flyable helicopters!*
/ha hover | Toggle hover mode on/off
/ha recover | Activate emergency recovery system
/ha land | Initiate intelligent auto-landing sequence
helicopterassist.use - Allows access to all helicopter assist features
Caveats and Disclaimers
Landing on even terrain works the best for the auto-landing feature. It will avoid common obstacles, water sources, cliffs, trees, etc. However, uneven terrain can cause the auto-landing to behave unpredictably. This will continue to be improved upon.
Dark Side Development Discord
Advanced helicopter control system featuring hover mode, emergency recovery, and intelligent auto-landing capabilities.
Smart Hover Mode - Lock your helicopter in position with perfect stability
Emergency Recovery - Instantly stabilize and recover from dangerous situations
Intelligent Auto-Landing with obstacle, environment, and collision avoidance
*Works with ALL flyable helicopters!*
/ha hover | Toggle hover mode on/off
/ha recover | Activate emergency recovery system
/ha land | Initiate intelligent auto-landing sequence
helicopterassist.use - Allows access to all helicopter assist features
Caveats and Disclaimers
Landing on even terrain works the best for the auto-landing feature. It will avoid common obstacles, water sources, cliffs, trees, etc. However, uneven terrain can cause the auto-landing to behave unpredictably. This will continue to be improved upon.
"MaxLandingHeight": 30.0, // Height limit to start landing
"SafeLandingRadius": 20.0, // Distance to scan for landing spots
"ObstacleCheckRadius": 7.5, // Range for detecting objects
"LowAltitudeRadius": 12.0, // Detection range near ground
"DescentSpeedHigh": 10.0, // High altitude descent rate
"DescentSpeedMed": 7.0, // Mid altitude descent rate
"DescentSpeedLow": 5.0, // Low altitude descent rate
"DescentSpeedVeryLow": 3.0, // Very low altitude descent rate
"DescentSpeedFinal": 1.0, // Landing touchdown rate
"HoverMovementThreshold": 0.5, // Movement detection range
"HoverCheckInterval": 0.1, // Movement check timing
"RecoveryHeight": 60.0 // Emergency recovery elevation
"NoPermission": "{PREFIX}You don't have permission to use this command",
"NotPiloting": "{PREFIX}You must be piloting a helicopter to use this command",
"Usage": "{PREFIX}Usage: /ha <hover|recover|land>",
"Controls": "{PREFIX}Helicopter Assist Commands:\n<color=#ffcc66>/ha hover</color> - Toggle hover mode\n<color=#ffcc66>/ha recover</color> - Emergency recovery\n<color=#ffcc66>/ha land</color> - Auto landing",
"HoverEnabled": "{PREFIX}Hover mode <color=#b0fa66>enabled</color>",
"HoverDisabled": "{PREFIX}Hover mode <color=#ff6666>disabled</color>",
"RecoveryActivated": "{PREFIX}Emergency recovery system <color=#b0fa66>activated</color>",
"AutoLandingInitiated": "{PREFIX}Auto-landing sequence <color=#b0fa66>initiated</color>. Hold on tight!",
"AutoLandingCancelled": "{PREFIX}Auto-landing sequence <color=#ff6666>cancelled</color>",
"AutoLandingComplete": "{PREFIX}Landing <color=#b0fa66>complete</color>. Welcome to solid ground!",
"AboveWater": "{PREFIX}<color=#ff6666>Cannot initiate auto-landing above water</color>. Please find solid ground.",
"TooHigh": "{PREFIX}<color=#ff6666>Too high to initiate auto-landing</color>. Please descend below {0}m first.",
"UnsafeTerrain": "{PREFIX}<color=#ff6666>Cannot land here</color>. Surface is too steep or unstable.",
"SearchingLandingZone": "{PREFIX}Searching for safe landing zone...",
"LandingZoneFound": "{PREFIX}<color=#b0fa66>Safe landing zone located</color>. Beginning descent.",
"ObstacleDetected": "{PREFIX}<color=#ff6666>Obstacles detected</color>. Relocating to safer area."
Dark Side Development Discord