- Required Dependencies
- http://oxidemod.org/plugins/better-chat.979/
I intended to make this standalone but so many servers use BetterChat that I decided to make it only work with BetterChat.
This plugin is a nice and neat little add-on to a server. It allows each player on the server to set a nickname (can be multiple words) for each player on the server.
So it works like this:
I am player A and I send a message that says "hello". Every player on the server will receive this message and if they have a nickname saved for me (Player A) then it will append the nickname to the message. So each player will potentially receive their own unique message.
By default I am setting the initial nickname for each player to their current display name. That way if the player changes their display name you will have a reference of the old one. Don't worry if the nickname is the same as the players display name it will not add it to the message!
To use this plugin a player must have the permission "PlayerNicknames.allow". You can give this to all players by doing ---> grant group default Playernicknames.allow <---
Config Options:
"NicknameColor": "#FFFFFF" --> Sets the color of the Nickname Tag.
Chat Command: "/nickname"
/nickname <Partial Player Name || Player SteamID> <nickname>
Example 1: /nickname Absolut The Dev!
Example 2: /nickname 123151241252142 The Dev!
/nickname <Partial Player Name || Player SteamID> clear'
Example 1: /nickname Absolut clear
Example 2: /nickname 123151241252142 clear
I intended to make this standalone but so many servers use BetterChat that I decided to make it only work with BetterChat.
This plugin is a nice and neat little add-on to a server. It allows each player on the server to set a nickname (can be multiple words) for each player on the server.
So it works like this:
I am player A and I send a message that says "hello". Every player on the server will receive this message and if they have a nickname saved for me (Player A) then it will append the nickname to the message. So each player will potentially receive their own unique message.
By default I am setting the initial nickname for each player to their current display name. That way if the player changes their display name you will have a reference of the old one. Don't worry if the nickname is the same as the players display name it will not add it to the message!
To use this plugin a player must have the permission "PlayerNicknames.allow". You can give this to all players by doing ---> grant group default Playernicknames.allow <---
Config Options:
"NicknameColor": "#FFFFFF" --> Sets the color of the Nickname Tag.
Chat Command: "/nickname"
/nickname <Partial Player Name || Player SteamID> <nickname>
Example 1: /nickname Absolut The Dev!
Example 2: /nickname 123151241252142 The Dev!
/nickname <Partial Player Name || Player SteamID> clear'
Example 1: /nickname Absolut clear
Example 2: /nickname 123151241252142 clear