
ProximityScanners 1.0.4

This plugin gives players the ability to create proximity scanners which have a bunch of features in regards to notifying when other players enter / leave a certain zone.

  • Create proximity scanners by burying a small stash that contains the correct items (configurable in the config file)
  • Scanner owners will be notified when someone enters / leaves the scanners radius (configurable)
  • Preform a single scan to get a list of all players currently inside the radius
  • Retrieve logs of which players have entered the scanners radius with date / time stamps, player names and steamIDs
  • A nice graphical representation of where your scanners are located and what their radius is



  • /scan - Using this command will give you a list of available commands that can also be seen in the picture above ^


  • - Players with this permission will be notified when someone enters / leaves a scanners radius
  • proximityscanners.scan - Players with this permission will be able to conduct a single scan on the proximity so show all players in the radius
  • proximityscanners.log - Players with this permission will be able to view the logs of their scanners
  • proximityscanners.ghost - Players with this permission will act like a ghost and will not be detected by any scanners or scans (helpful for admins)
Configuration File:

  "Active Scan Settings": {
    "Active Scan Enabled": true,
    "Notify On Entry": true,
    "Notify On Exit": false
  "Scanner Settings": {
    "Max Logs to Keep": 15,
    "Max Scanners Allowed": 5,
    "Required Items": {
      "": 1,
      "metal.refined": 300,
      "": 1
    "Scanner Radius": 10.0,
    "Single Scan": true
  "Show Colour Settings": {
    "Arrow Colour": "red",
    "Radius Colour": "blue",
    "Stash Position Sphere Colour": "blue",
    "Text Colour": "red"

Colour Settings:

In the config you are able to set the colours of the different graphical representations. the available colours are as follows:
  • black
  • blue
  • clear (afaik this is just a variant of black)
  • cyan
  • grey
  • gray
  • green
  • magenta
  • red
  • white
  • yellow


First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

Latest Release v1.0.4

Nov 11, 2018 at 3:38 PM
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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ProximityScanners by supreme
© May 6, 2017

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