
SkinBox 2.2.19

Support for restoring armor slots
Added support for config reskin block lists when using the /sd command
Added ability to reskin wallpaper with the spraycan or /sd command
Fixed NRE when using ServerRewards as purchase mode and the player has no RP
Fixed pagination button offset when using deployable skinbox
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Reactions: Papster
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior
Added config option "Only use approved skins for these item shortnames (only used when 'Include approved skins' is disabled)" which allows you to include approved skins for specific items when approved skins are disabled

Example usage
"Only use approved skins for these item shortnames (only used when 'Include approved skins' is disabled)": ["wallpaper", "rifle.ak"],

Call SB_CanReskinItem hooks when gathering items to be skinned via a skin set
Fixed skinning TC with redirected skin not restoring child entities and authorized players
Updated for pool changes
Call SB_CanReskinItem hooks when gathering items to be skinned via a skin set
Fixed skinning TC with redirected skin not restoring child entities and authorized players
Updated for pool changes
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior

Pool changes per Rust update
Added config option "Prevent these items from being re-skinned (shortname)"
Added config option "Prevent items with the following Skin ID's from being re-skinned"
Fixed a few instances where skin workshop names were being applied with the previous skin ID