Admin Menu

Admin Menu 2.1.8

Added pagination to command menus
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Reactions: AaduAadu
Added Discord logging for the give menu when you give via the popup dialog
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Reactions: csaszykj
Added clear group button to user group list view
Added config option "Recent players purge time (days)" to adjust how long players will stay in the offline player list
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Reactions: EvilynCorporated
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior to the game update
Fixed TP to authed and owned items teleporting the target player instead of the user running it
In the user group parent menu, clicking the selected parent group will now unselect it
Added pagination to user group set parent menu
Fixed custom kick/ban reason not showing in input field after submitting it
Removed non-default BP requirement in give item menu
Added button to give menu items to give target the blueprint of that item. This is only available for items that are craftable and are not default blueprints
Added config option "Log menu actions to Discord webhook", which when a webhook URL is inserted will log all actions to the specified webhook
For actions in the player info menu, if Oxide does not have a BasePlayer reference for the target player, search for it in the active and sleeping player lists