Attack Helicopter Modifier

Attack Helicopter Modifier 1.2.3

Currently will allow you to change the rocket types the copter accepts and can fire.
And will allow you to change there damage scale 0.0 and up

Added Ability to use seeker missiles with the holding of Attack_Third key at another copter for usage by the driver.

Added ability to place Beancans in the storage and do a bomb run where x amount of the Beancans will drop out the bottom and explode when they hit something. Driver uses USE key to deploy Passenger use the Attack_Third key to deploy.

More to come if there is interest.

1.0 = Normal
0.5 = half damage
And so on;

  "AttackHelicopter Settings": {
    "Chat Command": "attackHelicopter",
    "Spawn Health": 850.0,
    "Fuel Usage Per Second": 0.25,
    "Instant Startup": false,
    "Time Between Rockets": 0.5,
    "Rockets Reload Time": 8.0,
    "Rockets Per Reload": 6,
    "Add FlasherLight to tail": false,
    "Outside Decay Minutes": 480.0,
    "Inside Decay Minutes": 2880.0,
    "AutoFire Flares On Rocket Lock": false,
    "Scan Distance If Using ammo.rocket.seeker": 550.0,
    "Accepted Rockets Shortnames And Damage Scale": {
      "ammo.rocket.basic": 1.0,
      "ammo.rocket.hv": 1.0,
      "": 1.0,
      "ammo.rocket.seeker": 1.0
  "Blanket Bombing Settings": {
    "Enabled With UseKey": true,
    "Total Beancans To Deploy On Drop": 10,
    "Beancans Damage Scale": 1.0
  "Version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 1,
    "Patch": 0



First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

Latest Release v1.2.3

Nov 11, 2024 at 1:24 PM
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

More resources from Razor

Attack Helicopter Modifier by Razor
© Sep 20, 2023

Latest reviews

I was waiting for this plugin to happen, Love it thank you. You are the best.