Auto Farm

Auto Farm 3.0.3

Fixed possible NullReferenceException in Init if data file was invalid
If updating this before wipe please note this will break the config.
You will need to delete old config and let plugin generate new config OR.

Unload Plugin And Replace Config with this example and change your settings before uploading the new CS.

  "Settings": {
    "Disable autofarm placement by default /autofarm": false,
    "How many slots in seed container": 6,
    "How many slots in output container": 24,
    "Add sprinkler to planter": true,
    "How far can sprinkler water": 1.0,
    "Add storage adapters": false,
    "Sprinkler needs water hookup to work": false,
    "Large Box Sprinkler On Soil Saturation Level": 5100,
    "Large Box Sprinkler OFF Soil Saturation Level": 6000,
    "Small Box Sprinkler On Soil Saturation Level": 1650,
    "Small Box Sprinkler OFF Soil Saturation Level": 1750,
    "Enable for use in plugins that require CallHookOnCollectiblePickup": false,
    "Enable weed pick from Ganja plugin": false,
    "Allowed seed itemID's and multiplier amount to get on auto gather": {
      "803954639": 1,
      "998894949": 1,
      "1911552868": 1,
      "-1776128552": 1,
      "-237809779": 1,
      "-2084071424": 1,
      "-1511285251": 1,
      "830839496": 1,
      "-992286106": 1,
      "-520133715": 1,
      "838831151": 1,
      "-778875547": 1,
      "-1305326964": 1,
      "-886280491": 1,
      "1512054436": 1,
      "1898094925": 1,
      "2133269020": 1,
      "1533551194": 1,
      "390728933": 1
    "Permission needed to place autofarms": {
      "autofarm.allow": 200,
      "": 4
  "Version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 5,
    "Patch": 0
fixed IndustrialStorageAdaptor placement on small planters fixed nopickup of IndustrialStorageAdaptor
Added config option "DisablePlacementByDefault": false,
Some fixed do to changes
Added config option for sprinkler radius
Removed debug from last update
Added storage adapter for poop extended splash range of sprinkler.
Update for rust changes
Added Storage adapter config option "AddStorageAdapter": false,