
AutomatedSearchlights 0.2.38

Cancel crafting when occupying a searchlight
Changed inventory strip method to eliminate entity leak
Fix for recently exposed fields by Oxide
Added config option to disable cycling through searchlights
Added ability to toggle the light on/off when controlling it using the FIRE button
Changed searchlight name string in overlay
Forgot to mention in the previous patch notes you can now name your searchlights by typing '/sl name <name>' which will be reflected in the console view and overlay
Updated for RustNET v0.1.05
Added config options to disable any control/access feature
Added config options to display a UI overlay when controlling the searchlight
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Reactions: Vustra.
Register custom permissions
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Reactions: Gen. Sriracha
Added config option to allow players to automate lights with out the need for a terminal (Doing this ignores the amount restriction)
Added config option to create permissions to allow different light limits
Fixed spectate switch glitch
Complete plugin rewrite utilizing RustNET
RustNET is now required to use AutomatedSearchlights

Added remote access functionality via RustNET
Added configurable detection distances for each detection type
Added configurable threat rating system to prioritise target entities
Added target switching based on threat rating and distance
Improved detection and search pattern methods
Improved overall performance
Plus much more
Added permission "automatedsearchlights.ignorelimit" to bypass the light limit