Custom Cargo Ship Tiers

Custom Cargo Ship Tiers 2.1.0

Fixed image download failure.
Added custom display name support for resources.
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Patched for Rust update
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Custom Cargo Ship Tiers is now officially out of early access!
This update brings a revamped editor with a new ui, custom npc spawners, roaming portals, protective bubbles, and a bunch of improvements and fixes.

Refer to the documentation for all details. Please note that the new changes are not backward compatible with older versions!

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Fixed npc health not being initialized properly
  • Fixed NullReferenceException
You must remove your following old Guns config before updating!
   "Guns": {
          "smg.2": 0,
          "shotgun.spas12": 0,
          "smg.thompson": 0,
          "pistol.prototype17": 0,
          "hmlmg": 0,
          "rifle.ak": 0,
          "rifle.m39": 0

  • Egress duration is no longer dependent on the server ConVar cargoship.egress_duration_minutes, which applied to all cargo ships regardless of tier. Now you can control egress duration for each tier separately using the new config EgressDurationMinutes.
  • The effective range of weapons held by NPCs can now be customized (Some guns had a low effective range, making NPCs not fire unless they were too close to them).
  • Summoner portal now despawns one minute after the ship begins egressing.
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  • NPCs can now be dressed in different clothing. Any items specified in the list will be equipped on the NPC, so ensure you create a complete outfit
  • You can equip NPCs with different weapons. If you add more than one weapon to the list, a random one is chosen for each NPC (Please note that certain weapons like crossbows and bows won't work with NPCs, although the compound bow is an exception)
  • You can modify the damage output of guns used by NPCs. For example, the assault rifle with the default value being 1, does 10 damage, when setting it to 2, it will do 20, then 30, and so on
  • You can modify the starting health of NPCs

New Configuration (Config updates automatically, no need to do anything)
      "NPC": {
        "Maximum Health": 150.0,
        "Enable Customized Clothing": false,
        "Clothing": {
          "": 0,
          "tactical.gloves": 0,
          "jumpsuit.suit": 0,
          "hat.gas.mask": 0
        "Gun Damage Doubling Amount": 1.0,
        "Enable Customized Guns": false,
        "Guns": {
          "smg.2": 0,
          "shotgun.spas12": 0,
          "smg.thompson": 0,
          "pistol.prototype17": 0,
          "hmlmg": 0,
          "rifle.ak": 0,
          "rifle.m39": 0
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Reactions: Mankysieve
  • Increase the rotation and movement speed for loot crates and portals in the cargo ship editor. They were too slow and took forever to move around.
  • Call UpdateHeight at a higher frequency (prevents the ship from veering away from the water's surface level)
  • Remove the parachute for supply drops and allow immediate access to their loot.
  • Validate whether or not automated spawn is enabled before scheduling new cargo ship respawns.
  • Continuously monitor the cargo ship's position to prevent it from deviating from the water's surface level.
If you happen to encounter any issues, consider opening a thread in the discussion tab or reaching out to me directly on Discord
  • Evaluate PVE rulesets only after confirming the presence of a summoner for the target cargo ship.
  • Validate the player before checking for telekinesis usage.