
DiscordRewards 2.0.6

Added config option "Settings/Guild Link"
Added selectable input field to bottom of menu that holds the guild link (if provided). Players can select the text and copy/paste it to join your guild

Added console command 'dr.lookup <Steam ID or Steam Name or Discord ID or Discord Name>'
Added Discord command '/dr.lookup <Steam ID or Steam Name or Discord ID or Discord Name>' see https://chaoscode.io/resources/discordrewards.136/#Discord+Commands
Fixed permission check and granting
Moved initialization logic when client connects to a later stage in the Discord connection cycle
This update requires Discord extension v3.x.x+

Updated for latest discord extension release
Detect when nitro is added/removed and update user rewards on the server accordingly
Fixed bot avatar URL for UI
Fixed booster role
The config file has changed! Backup your config file before updating the plugin. You will need to copy some your alternative reward options over to the new config file

This update requires Chaos v1.0.21. It is likely you already have this version on your server and just need a restart for it to be applied

The plugin has had a major overhaul
Token UI popup
New store UI, with admin additional admin menu for adding/editing/deleting rewards
The reward store uses tokens which are given when linking a account and when revalidating (configurable amounts in the config)
Existing reward store items from pre v2.x.x default to 1 token cost
Expiration times are automatically validated when it expires instead of when the player connects to the server
Improvements to bulk updating Discord roles
Other shit I don't recall
Don't purge users when automatic validation is enabled when running the resyncusergroups console command
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Reactions: grimm530
Added console command "discord.admin resyncusergroups <opt:player ID>" which resyncs the Oxide usergroup and permission rewards with the target player. Don't specify a player ID to resync all registered discord users
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