
DiscordRewards 0.2.4

Don't purge users when automatic validation is enabled when running the resyncusergroups console command
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Reactions: grimm530
Added console command "discord.admin resyncusergroups <opt:player ID>" which resyncs the Oxide usergroup and permission rewards with the target player. Don't specify a player ID to resync all registered discord users
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Reactions: grimm530
When granting/revoking discord roles, run it in a loop with 5 seconds intervals verifying the user does/doesnt have each role until the task is verified as complete. Extension or discords API has issues when granting/revoking multiple roles?
Fixed ArgumentOutOfRangeException
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Reactions: Paul Strand
This update requires Discord Extension v2.0.0+

Updated for Oxide.Ext.Discord v2.0.0+
Added config option to specify a channel users can post their token to instead or only directly to the bot
Change player find method
Split unable to find player, and player not connected responses
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Reactions: SwayBird
Small change to how rewards are issued
Verify rewards when automatically revalidating user
Added support for additional rewards for Nitro Boosters;
- Additional groups, permissions and commands can be setup via the config
- Nitro-specific items, kits and commands can be setup to claim through UI menu
Fixed a issue where Discord roles were not always revoked when the users token had expired
Updated the plugin to use the latest version of the Discord extension (v1.0.7) https://umod.org/extensions/discord
Added revoke discord roles config option
Call kits directly when issuing kits