About EMP Grenades
Plugin Launch Sale Ends Soon!
This plugin allows players with permission to buy and use EMP Grenades, which when thrown emit an electromagnetic pulse which will disable all turrets within the blast radius for a certain amount of time.
The plugin uses a custom skinned Flashbang item within the game. There are cooldown options, as well as a bunch of other configurable options in the configuration file.
Very easy to set up and players will love it. It adds a whole new approach to raiding and base defence considerations.
Coming Soon:
EMP Grenades will work on other IO entities, such as SAM sites, CCTV cameras, heart beat sensors, lights, etc. If you have any other suggestions, let me know.
Default Item Skin: 3340157360

- empgrenades.admin (required for clear and give commands)
- empgrenades.use
- empgrenades.buy
- empgrenades.bypasscooldown
- empgive <PlayerName/SteamID> <amount>
- empbuy <amount>
- empclear (clear all player cooldowns)
- empclear <PlayerName/SteamID>
"General Options": {
"Chat Prefix": "<color=orange>[EMP Grenades]</color>",
"Use Chat Prefix": true,
"Custom Chat Icon (Default = 0)": 0,
"Use This Plugin to Control Stacking/Combining of EMP Grenade Items": true,
"Player Cooldown Time (seconds)": 300,
"VIP/Custom Cooldowns (seconds)": {
"empgrenades.example1": 240.0,
"empgrenades.example2": 180.0,
"empgrenades.example3": 120.0
"Purchasing Options": {
"Enable purchasing via chat or F1 console command": false,
"Player Buy Command (Chat or F1 Console)": "empbuy",
"Purchasing Currency (ServerRewards|Economics|Custom)": "Custom",
"Currency Unit Displayed e.g: RP | $ (Not Used for Custom Currency)": "RP",
"Cost Per EMP Grenade": 500,
"Custom Currency": [
"ShortName": "scrap",
"SkinID": 0,
"Display Name": "Scrap"
"Grenade Options": {
"Skin ID": 3340157360,
"Display Name": "EMP Grenade",
"Grenades Stick on Impact": false,
"Grenades Explode On Impact": false,
"Grenade Fuse Length in Seconds (Default = 3)": 3.0,
"Grenade Emits Repeating Beep Sound When Thrown": true,
"Prefab Path For Beep Sound": "assets/prefabs/locks/keypad/effects/lock.code.lock.prefab",
"Delay Between Beep Sounds (Seconds)": 1.0,
"Velocity Modifier For Thrown Grenade (1 = Default)": 1.0,
"Effective Blast Radius in Meters": 10.0,
"EMP Blast Recovery Time": 60.0
"Version Number": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 0,
"Patch": 0
The following hook is available to use in your plugins to check custom grenades to avoid conflict with your plugins:
object IsEmpGrenade(ulong skinID) // returns true if is a EMP Grenade, otherwise returns null