*** Delete your config first or it will fail ***
Keep a copy if you need the lists though
- Changed all perms and added a few more to allow multiple black lists and allow lists. see overview for more info.
- Added Blacklist 1, Blacklist 2, Allow List 1 and Allow List 2. so now, if you only want to give players a few things, you can just allow them and not have to block 100 items.
- Allow list takes precedent over black listed items. So if player has both allow list and blacklist and it has the same items, it will allow them.
- Added options for both Admin and Moderators to Bypass the checks all together (default is true)
- Plugin also controls the ARM button when spawning in a item with F1 spawn. So if admins or mods are set to NOT bypass the list, it will catch that as well.