
FiringRange 0.1.19

Added API method isEventPlayer(BasePlayer)
Do global isEventPlayer check before allowing players in to the firing range
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior to the game update

Fixed for Rust update
Added a maximum wander distance check;
- When the player has not walked through the starting trigger they can only walk 20m away from the start position before being teleported back
- When the player has started the round, the distance is checked to the closest target, if the target is further away then the value set in the config or range they will be disqualified
Added config option "Maximum wander distance before disqualification"
Added range option command '/frc wanderdistance <distance>' to override config value per range
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Reactions: Caboom and barclay
Prevent NPC targeting range players
Added support for assigning ranges to monuments so they work through map wipes. See overview for more information
Prevent ZoneManager destroying weapons in zones with NoDrop flag
Added support for range specific weapon sets in the config
Fixed for Rust update
Added config option to give players specified weapon attachments
Added config option to give players specified weapon attachments
Re-upload with warehouse prefab for RustEdit