
FurnaceSorter 1.3.8

Added deer meat for campfires!

When players join they are added to FurnaceSorter enabled (this still only matters if the player has permission to use it; but will eliminate the annoyance of enabling the sorter each time you go on to play).

Changed sorting logic on Refineries to leave only 1 slot since it doesnt output charcoal.
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small update so the ui renders. Thanks!
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Added a config file for adjusting the ui buttons for the furnace.

Removed the Optimizer. I messed with it for a long time and got it working but realized it just is not good enough.

I am considering a few options but I promise I will get something good released soon.
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The Furnace Sorter now has a second button called "Optimize". Pressing this button will remove all unneeded wood from the furnace, refinery, cook fire and give it back to the player. If there is not enough wood it will tell you how much more you need. If you dont have room for the wood it will fail to optimize.

Wood to Item ratio is calculated based on the highest requirement. For example, HQM ore is 10 to 1 (10 wood to burn 1 ore).. whereas Metal ore is 5 to 1. Therefore, if the furnace has a stack of 50 Metal ore (250 wood needed) and a stack of 30 HQM ore (300 wood needed) it will base needs and wood excess on the higher of the two (in this case HQM ore (300)).
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To fix a bug, I had to implement the sorter automatically turns off when trying to add sort-able resources to a furnace that is on and has Sorter turned on.

As the attached image shows, if you add to a Furnace that is turned on and has sorter on, sorter will automatically disable to prevent attempting to stack an invalid stack.

This issue only occurs when a stack disappears the instant Sorter is trying to modify the stack size but nonetheless I was able to duplicate the issue and if someone loses a stack of ore they are going to be pissed.

I also matched the color of the button with the existing furnace On/Off colors :)

Hoping to release an "Optimization" feature soon which will remove excess ore or wood not required to smelt the current contents. More to come as I near release.


  • SorterAutoOff.PNG
    473.7 KB · Views: 840
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Optimized available items for the different types now: small/large furnace, refinery, and campfire.

Added UI to toggle functionality on/off

Fixed stacking errors... I think...


  • SorterOFF.PNG
    772.9 KB · Views: 775
  • SorterON.PNG
    812 KB · Views: 772
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Per request (and frankly it just made sense)... I have changed the logic.

Now if the material is not in the furnace it will fill all but 2 slots. If the material is in the furnace it will only try to stack on existing spots.

So if you had an empty furnace and placed 1000 metal.ore inside it would split to even stacks spanning all spots but 2. If you then removed 4 stacks and tried to put those items back in the furnace they would fill existing stacks instead of creating new ones again.

Existing logic such as spreading stacks to all spots or making more or less spots still works..

All in all it is just a littler cleaner.

Feedback is always welcome! Thanks.
Changed empty slot requirement from 1 to 2. So now it leaves an empty spot for smelted result as well as charcoal.

Keep in mind you can override these empty spots by splitting a stack "inside" the furnace. So essentially you could fill the entire furnace with say ore, just you need to split the stacks within the furnace to fill the empties.
