
HeliCommander 0.3.25

Another attempt at removing sound after death
Blocked TP commands for players or targets in helicopters
Another attempt at solving the continual sound after death issue
You can no longer shoot the helicopter with the turrets
Fixed damage dealt by turrets to players not working correctly
Improved accuracy of turret aiming, bullet fire is now very close to crosshair point
Added config option to eject non-friendly players when entering the pilot seat
Added another button to lock yaw when looking (left and right rotation) to make it easier to aim turrets
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Reactions: iDeath91
Fixed ejecting passengers destroying the helicopter
Fixed multiple spawning of helicopter debris
Added permission helicommander.passenger to allow people to enter helicopters but not fly them
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Reactions: Viper
Added 2 API methods for other plugins to use
Added the autospawner system from CarCommander
Added config options regarding the autospawner
Added config option for spawn cooldown

Removed permission ' helicommander.admin '
Added permission ' helicommander.canspawn ' which is now required to spawn via the chat command. This command now uses the cooldown system
Added permission ' helicommander.ignorecooldown ' to ignore spawn cooldowns
Added starting health and damage modifiers to config
Fix for Rust update
The config has changed! Delete your old config before updating

The update has some major changes, the biggest being I switched from the spectate style mounting (which was a bit hacky IMO) to the same setup as what I have done in CarCommander. Some may dislike the change in camera position but the way it was before was extremely limited, so much that I could not move the camera to the position it should've been in. It is just as easy to fly from inside the cockpit

Added proper seating positions (Passengers can shoot from the sides of the helicopter)
Added UI crosshair for aiming the MGs
Added ejection and death when flying under water
Fixed MG aiming
Fixed health resetting when it should die
Fixed fuel consumption
Changed collision damage calculations
Plus a bunch of other small changes
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Reactions: dofof
Fixed console command spawning
Fixed invisible entities when using the helicopter. My apologies for this taking so long, it took a while to work out what was actually going on (the helicopter doesn't update its network group so I had to do it manually)
Changed player inventory storage when using the helicopter to ensure inventory is restored properly