
Juggernaut 0.4.1

Forgot to set the restore flags :p
This update requires the Chaos extension v1.0.38+

Refactored to use all the common functionality provided by the extension
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior
Updated for pool changes
Revert because I am an idiot
Revert because I am an idiot
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior

Pool changes per Rust update
Revamped path generation

Added config option "Origin/destination point maximum ground slope (degrees)" to specify a maximum ground angle for origin/destination points

Added config option "Origin/destination point minimum distance from buildings (metres)" to prevent origin/destination points being close to structures

Added config option "Origin/destination combination generation attempts" to change the number of calculations for generated a origin and destination

Added config option "Minimum travel distance calculation" to change the minimum distance for a juggernaut path. This is the maps world size divided by this number (ex 3000 / 4 = 750m minimum travel distance)

Added config option "Disable origin/destination points in these zones (zone IDs)" to prevent origin/destination points inside zones

Added config option "Disable origin/destination points in these topologies" to prevent origin/destination points in specific topologies

Added command "/juggernaut viewdest" to view all possible origin/destination combos

Projectile weapons are given to the juggernaut with a full magazine

Remove destination marker on event end

Added config option "Loot prizes (randomly generated, replaces inventory as prize)" to generate random loot as the prize
Added hook (void) OnJuggernautEventStarted(BasePlayer juggernaut)
Added hook (void) OnJuggernautEventStopped

Item prizes are now given through a container. When the player claims the prize they will open a container with the items in it. They can loot out any items they want at that time and leave the rest for later if they please
Fixed for Rust update