LFG 1.1.4

Left in some test code I used to make fake players.. it was causing serious performance issues! Removed, sorry all.
Previously the logic for the onscreen active view was that it would show all players in your group. Instead, I have added a "View" button next to each players information in the LFG menu. This "View" button toggles if that player is show on your active menu (right side of screen). I also set a limit on this menu to 8 players shown.. to prevent issues with overlapping existing ui and such. I feel 8 is more then enough.

This means you could have a group of say 20 people but break into sub groups of 4 and only show your subgroup on the Active menu.

There is also a new On/Off Toggle called "Active". This replaced the black button on the actual Active Menu Screen. This way if you have no one in your group or have no one toggled to be on your Active View Menu it will be clean.


  • NewActiveView.PNG
    690 KB · Views: 636
  • NewActiveView-Off.PNG
    665.5 KB · Views: 564