Npc Horses

Npc Horses 3.0.7

Everyone on my server loves this mod, from our new players that get terrorized by what they think are people trying to kill them on horses. To our long time players that get randomly hunted down at the best times.

A must have to give your environment a little more life.
Nice concept but needs improvement. Needs more configuration options for end users. Disappointing loot for a PAID plugin. Killing NPC's yields a semi-automatic body, a pickaxe and occasionally a green card and about 9 scrap. Boo
Installed on my server without telling players.. they all are convinced they are other players.. No one expects a NPC is on a horse camping their base.. The chats get heated... All from 1 side of course ;-)
This is a fun plugin. Players love when they are on horseback and run into one of these NPCs. They have a "mounted cowboy shootout" with the NPC.