Npc Raiders

Npc Raiders 1.8.0

Added /raidme loot -- type /raidme loot to see usage.

To create loot profile
add items to your self.. belt wear main.
then do /raidme loot add <someProfilename>
then you can add someProfilename to config for the loot profile
use multiple someProfilename in the config for more loot picks one is chosen at random on death.
example to get more config then the others.

say you have 3 profiles and want one to dominate the other you can add the profile like this.

"Npc drop loot config names": [
"week", "week", "week", "week", "week", "week", "better", "week", "week", "better", "week", "week", "good", "week", "week",
Changed way it adds players cooldown.
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
Fix Npc Names? Tested seems to change there names now.
forgot disabled debug mode
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
Quick fix
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
Fix for Reward kits
Fixed Extra waves counting the first wave as a extra wave
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
Work on rock/cliff detection on spawning npc.
Added more messages to the event start to give event starting player a 60 seconds heads up.
Support for random kit reward
See main page for config reward examples.
Reward Type "kit"
"RewardAmmount": "kitname"
Should Disable LifeSupport plugin for anyone in raid Event