
ProximitySystem 1.0.8

I'm pretty sure it's ignoring players in safe zones.
Just tested the plugin, works as expected and reliable. I would dare to suggest: 1) Add chat notification for the offenders, before kick or ban 2) Make all strings configurable. Good work, thx!
Saves so much time, it even tracks in minutes how long the groups have been in proximity. A huge must for any server with a clan limit, will make your life 100x easier.
Best plugin for tracking teaming situations. Dev just updated long requested feature of clickable links in the discord webhook. 10/10
Excellent plugin. I do have a question, what is announce threshold for?
So .. this plugin was updated last over a year ago.. I wanted something like this and before buying i wanted to make sure that the developer was still around..
I tracked him down on discord and had a chat with him.. he was surprisingly open .. I bought the plugin and it wasn't at the top of my expectations and a bit confusing. After a bit of back and forth regarding sugestions (which he implemented extremely fast) the plugin became a dream!

Thanks Visagalis!
i bought it in 2018 and have been using it ever since. it's just amazing. perfect for the job. if you have a SOLO ONLY or a SOLO/DUO or whatever kind of restricted teaming server, you need this, unless you want to be policing players the whole day... just one tip. in config "group size" is the team limit +1, which means it's the group size at which the plugin starts reporting. so if you want a SOLO ONLY server, you should set group size = "2", if you want a SOLO/DUO you should set it a 3, etc.... just clarifying this because it drives crazy a lot of people when they start using it, including myself. again, ITS JUST A MARVELOUS PLUGIN. 100% recommended.
excellent, an autoban is welcome
Started good, But lack of updates. False positives all the time if players are on cargochips etc. Also still everything has to be done manually.
I've updated plugin and introduced auto-ban functionality and also excluded checks inside cargo ship.
New review even tho its in beta it means hes working on it still thank you vis
I love the plugin, it's a must have for solo, duo or trio server since i have them all. but i would suggest a better explanation about the config. i made the history count in minutes like 9999999 but will 0 work to? it doesnt show anywere and im scared if it would not work when i do such things tbh:P.

so for one more star i would suggest an info regarding config file.
A lot easier to setup than it seems. Create a Discord webhook, paste it into DiscordMessage and this config, boom.

This makes the job of admin'ing a solo server effortless.
Great plugin
Great plugin, a key asset to have if you want to successfully enforce group limits on your server.
Must have plugin for any server with a group limit.
Perfect! Ty
Amazing and is a must have in a Solo/Duo/Trio Server!