Update horse races to use new horse prefab Added console command 'race.clearleaders all' to clear all leaderboard data Added console command 'race.clearleaders <trackname>' to clear leaderboard data for the specified track
Prevent turrets targeting racers
Fixed player restore on early exit
Fixed water sampling for Rust update
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior
Revert because I am an idiot
This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior Pool changes per Rust update
This update requires Chaos extension v1.0.24+ Added support for using a item other than scrap as currency for both entrance fee and rewards. Also supports items with a specified skin as currency
Added support for motorbikes, motorbikes with sidecar, pedal bikes and pedal trikes
This is for the upcoming Rust update. Do not download prior to the game updating