Raiding Zombies

Raiding Zombies 3.2.0

Amazing plugin. GIves a twist to the zombies threat that is wonderfull for pve servers especcialy.
He tenido reportes de gente raideada sin estar conectada
Las instrucciones están desactualizadas.
Wanted to update my review after 6+ months.

Plugin is flawless with the newest zhorde update. So flawless now infact that it feels like an entirely new game. The raiders have a one track mind (IF you try to hide) and thats a good thing, to wreck your base, make your tc loot drop and possibly destroy your beds, meaning you lose all your resources if you dont put up a fight.

All in all im super impressed, even more so than before and by far. Idk what the reviews before are going on about. This mod has zero issues and is extremely fun. It adds hours upon hours to your gameplay.

If people want raiding zombies plus zombies also chucking nades at u on the roof at the same time all it takes is installing night zombies with this and giving them timed explosives. And the leader a sniper eifle. Not a hard thing to do lol
-negative that is only scaning for a building privilige
-Players realized they had to wipe out the toolcupboard
-npcs go crazy with the plugin
-They do not attack a player during a raid
Sorry master!
I did not set the BaseEntity exception in the TruePVE plugin!
if someone had a similar problem:

......Add Rules

rules: [
"npcs can hurt base",

........Add Entity Groups

"Entity Groups": [
"name": "base",
"members": "BaseEntity",
"exclusions": ""

Soory dude, this plugin Amasing ;)
Freaking amazing plugin.
It has some conflicts with Night zombies/plagued murderers, but you can have those plugins unload from oxide via timedexecute then shortly after have this one load in, and it runs amazingly.
I literally watched a zombie blow my walls from sniper distance with rockets. Felt like a player raid.

I will admit it took some figuring out as to which zombie horde version works, and which plugins conflict, and even how much ammo is too much.
But the pay off is worth it. If you’re thinking about getting this, stop thinking and do it. And for anyone curious about settings, i left mine in the discussion.
This plugin needs more awareness, my favorite out of 100+ plugins, EASILY.
Great Plugin Does exactly what I needed it for, it put pressure on my players and adds more to the survival aspect of rust, love it!, Giving a one for this plugin is ignorant, so I'll be Giving it a 5,Reasoning! - Fun factor=(2) Ease of use=(3), people should learn to read things holistically before they decide to go with it, the guy that said it doesn't work gave it a 1 and he didn't even install the dependency first 0_0, then the other guy that said "it doesn't work really", made the ignorant 1 rating decision because they kill themselves sometimes, that doesn't happen all the time, and they use rockets on players if the player has gone inside, they target the last seen location, feel sorry for you Razor, these people just don't know this plugins real worth or just don't read properly. Rant done.
Works great. Only attack when you run inside. Gives PVE a different twist.
Awesome plugin. The config is simple to setup and get working in no time.
Really enjoy the extra challenge the Raiding Zombies bring to the server. Also, watching them take down another player's base is pretty dam fun.
The plugin doesn't work. do I need anything else?
do you have zombiehord installed?
works fine for me, players were surprised that zombies able to C4 and rocket them. lol!
This plugin does not work properly to me.
Zombies use only C4 and do not move away from the wall, this has the effect of killing themselves.
Definitely not worth the money.
Sorry your having issues with setting up your config.. you could always contact me for help..