Rideable Horses

Rideable Horses 3.1.9

cool! but can it be forbidden to look through walls through it?
Should be fixed
Updated works a treat, thanks!
Not sure adding other animals is such a good idea, it can lead to some ahem, interesting results, but awesome none the less
This is really cool, seems to work well. Nice work!
This Plugin is super awesome I can now ride Chickens
It was a great plugin at first. Since then it's become unmaintained by the developer and has a lot of bugs. Your always underneath the horse or in the map when riding. It's been that way for months now. :(
Nice plugin but very difficult to control turns too often hope for an update
plugin Will this make more horses in the game?
This plugin does not do that.
This plugin is full of bugs ....
The author has not been online for some time ..... hopefully nothing happened to her.
But if you do not have time to manage this plugin, you should at least tell your CUSTOMER.
I feel a bit ripped off.
Great plugin our players absolutely love it.
Been waiting several months yet still no update!
very nice plugin .. easy to use and my players love it
would have given 5 if not for the somewhat lag that you get when riding, but it is a worth it tradeoff for what you get!
I talked to helk and i believe we fixed this. Let me know if it is still happening
awesome 8)