RustNET 0.1.38

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RustNET is a remote management interface designed to be used in conjunction with AutomatedSearchlights, RemoteTurrets, SecurityCameras and BountyNET. RustNET by itself will have no purpose!
These plugins require RustNET to run!

By placing a terminal in your base you can register items from those plugins to it to allow remote access. From the terminal window you can control the item remotely, toggle automation and access inventory

RustNET v 0.1.0

RustNET v 0.1.05 - Public network system

RustNET v 0.1.05 - Separated interfaces and help menus

// Some notes on Terminals
There are 2 types of terminals your can place.
- Public terminals can be placed anywhere and accessed by anyone. For instance if you wanted to create a camera network at the launch site, or you want players to be able to access the bounty network from a gas station you would create a public terminal. It is not recommended to give players access to the public permission!
- Non-public terminals are restricted to player bases. You can only place 1 terminal per building which players can register there items to.

Non-public terminals can only be placed on building blocks
Non-public terminals are linked to the block they are on, if the block is destroyed so is the terminal

Public terminals can be placed anywhere, although it is recommended you do not place them on any building block or player base.
Public terminals can only be removed by a player with the required permission

If at any stage your terminal is destroyed all remote links will be severed and will need to be reset to a new terminal
To place or access a non-public terminal you need to be authorized on the base tool cupboard, therefore anyone who takes control of your base can access the terminal
To place a public terminal you need the required permission listed below

// Permissions
rustnet.use - Required to place terminals
rustnet.public - Required to place public terminals

// Commands
/rustnet - Display the help menu, this contains help for all the plugins this manages
/terminal add - Activate the terminal placement tool (requires a terminal in your hands)
/terminal add public - Activate the public terminal placement tool (requires a terminal in your hands)
/terminal remove - Remove a existing terminal

// How to load images from your server as opposed to from the web
This is mainly for people having issues with web requests via ImageLibrary or poor game server connection to the server the images are hosted, otherwise the current method should work fine for 95% of users

To have the plugin store images from your server follow these steps;
1) Navigate to your /oxide/data/RustNET folder via ftp or remote desktop
2) Create a new folder called "Images"
3) Copy all the RustNET related images to this folder. You can find these images on the web by looking in the config for each RustNET related plugin (There is atleast 1 image for every plugin)
4) In the config of each RustNET related plugin, change the URL for the image to just the image filename plus the extension ex. "" will become "terminal.png"
5) Reload the plugin

// Config
  "Item Placement Options": {
    "Item placement maximum distance from player": 4.0
  "RustNET Interface Options": {
    "Require building privilege to access the interface": true,
    "Terminal overlay image URL": "",
    "UI Panel Colors": {
      "Background": {
        "Color (hex)": "#1c2c24",
        "Alpha (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.98
      "Panel": {
        "Color (hex)": "#13221b",
        "Alpha (0.0 - 1.0)": 1.0
      "Button": {
        "Color (hex)": "#214633",
        "Alpha (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.9
      "Selected": {
        "Color (hex)": "#387857",
        "Alpha (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.9
  "Version": {
    "Major": 0,
    "Minor": 1,
    "Patch": 5


First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 9 ratings

Latest Release v0.1.38

Oct 3, 2024 at 9:55 AM
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

More resources from k1lly0u

  • Minimap
    A in-game mini map
  • Arena
    A multi arena plugin capable of running many instances of various events at one time
  • TeleportGUI
    Teleport, home and warp with a easy to use UI
  • TrainHeist
    A event where a train with scientists drives around the above or below rail ring
  • DynamicCupShare
    Dynamic sharing of cupboards, turrets and locks for friends, clan members and team members

RustNET by k1lly0u
© Jan 28, 2018

Latest reviews

Would be nice if you can do something only a notebock put there brings nothing if I have to buy other plugins but otherwise nice
Great support plugin for others. Very user friendly and explains pretty well how to use for new players.
Very popular with players.
Only one thing to mention: Allowing remote control of lights makes cameras somewhat redundant.
Best plugin for Security Cameras and Remote Autoturret
Welldone K1lly0u :)