RustNET 0.1.38

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Restore item max condition
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Reactions: Mimmo
Fixed flamethrower ammo dupe glitch
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Reactions: Mimmo
Restore player back to the terminal if disconnecting while using a entity
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Reactions: Mimmo
Don't save data when the server saves if existing data has not been loaded yet
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Reactions: Mimmo
Fixed non-public terminals being marked as public
Destroy UI when wounded or killed (prevent possibility of duplicate player glitch)
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Reactions: Mimmo
Fixed public terminals becoming private when placing on a building block
Added support for locally hosted images as opposed to web based images (See overview for more information)
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Reactions: Mimmo
Fixed for new issues regarding arguments passed in hooks
Fixed item ID for targeting computer
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Reactions: Mimmo
Stop dummy players from being pushed outside of bases because it is not on the navmesh

For this to work you will need a updated Assembly-CSharp.dll which contains a couple of new hooks. These hooks will officially be in the next Oxide update. The updated assembly can be found here ->
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Reactions: Mimmo
Fix fake players (npcs at terminal) being killed because they arent on the navmesh
Changed inventory strip method to eliminate entity leak
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Reactions: gormie and Mimmo