Sound Library Api

Sound Library Api 1.1.4

fixed rpc errors
configuration structure is now re-written, implemented audio events (Can easily enable/disable the audio event, set broadcast type to global or only to the player who triggered it, a list of audio files to pick from randomly)
added 3 more audio events (mission started, mission finished & mission failed)
code optimization & cleanup
4th May update networkableId fixes (do not use it before the 4th May rust update, it won't compile)
Updated network code for the new upcoming rust update
Fixed speakers not being destroyed properly due to NREs
Cleaned up console messages
Added scheduled message check, (set to 0 in configuration to disable scheduled messages)
Fixed npc clones not being destroyed due to null filenames
Code cleanup
Removed the ability to record sound via in-game microphone (online encoder is live)
Removed old data converter
Removed old data files (.json), plugin only plays the .data files now (more performant)
Fixed file existance check
Thanks to MJSU our Sound Library Encoder is now live at: (allows you to convert any audio file to our own format, after converting the file, rename it and move it to /data/SoundLibraryApi).

Added sound event when hacking a crate
Added scheduled sound message (interval based)
Added Zone Manager sound system (Entering/Leaving a zone will play different sound messages)

Warning: You will have to setup your npcs sound files again, the data handler was re-written, new lang messages added as well!