Sound Speaker

Sound Speaker 1.1.0

Record your voice in game and play it threw a alarm speaker.

This is still in beta but has been tested and is working like should...
There have been some reports that it sounds glitchy at sometimes. make sure your servers fps are not really low. This is not reported by a lot but has been reported. Also i been told if player is playing recording he made and is using his mic while sound is playing it sounds glitchy and messed up. So be warned.

This will require knowledge to record good music if you want music as you need a speaker to mic or a good soundboard.

A Normal Switches will work to power the soundspeakers and the speaker should not be placed too high in a structure. as it will spawn a npc under it.

Sever impact has not been tested i spawned in 4 and had them playing music little impact so not sure on impact if you have hundreds. It does use a lot of network when playing to a lot of people.

Plugin will spawn a npc below the speaker so recommend not placing the speaker 3 floors up.

Permishion needed: soundspeaker.use

Chat commands:
/s_sound add <saveName> - Start a recording
/s_sound save - Saves the recording
/s_sound cancel - Cancels the recording
/s_sound remove <saveName> - Removes a recording

For Global sounds in list before recording "/s_sound global" to activate/deactivate then record/save like normal.

After recording is saved hit a speaker with a hammer and choose the recording hook up power to switch to play.

I recorded this with a virtual speakers to mic.


First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Latest Release v1.1.0

May 4, 2023 at 6:27 PM
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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Sound Speaker by Razor
© Mar 13, 2021