TC Levels

TC Levels 1.3.4

Compile fix
Compile fix
- Fixed an error where the HQM begin to be removed even with 100% decay reducer
- The rust update error;

- Now when the decay reducer is at 100% a box with a warning will be displayed instead of the keep cost;
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Ignore locked items when trying to build on tugboats
Added new feature named "Stack Size Multiplier"
Added an option to enable/disable each feature
Added a lang field to change the “CLOSE” button text
Now admins will bypass the auth limit
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Reactions: Pret0riaN
Added integration with the BuildTools by Mevent plugin;
Added option "Block placement of locked items without a cupboard?";
Now you can see what status you are updating next;
Now the cupboard will consume only what is necessary according to the decay status;
You can now see the remaining time based on the current decay status;
Integration with the Toastify plugin in v2.0;
Fixed incompatibility with carbon mod;
Changed default upgrade button position;
Added notification message in addition to chat message when unable to upgrade a building grade without a cupboard;
Modal UI layer changed from Hud.Menu to Overlay;