AlphaLoot Profile Editor

AlphaLoot Profile Editor 2.0.22

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Visualizes loot tables and probabilities very well.
Great features! Only one thing, what about ammo and attachments inside weapons?
A literal dream come true for me. What a great way to edit loot tables! My only complaint is that for whatever reason the editor lags sometimes. But damn I love it.
Very easy to use and awesome editor
Amazing. The profile editor is a godsend. What makes this stand out the MOST though is being able to generate random loot a few times to help in fine-tuning values. A process that could've taken days to weeks or more now takes WAY less time. Thanks so much.
Great work as usual.
This new version of the profile editor is simply an act of genius. It has never been easier to edit loot while seeing what you're doing and what the output container would be, and it's all finally come of age thanks to k1lly0u. If you're not using AlphaLoot and this profile editor, you're making life really hard for yourself. Kudos.
im having an issue with a dual monitor setup it wont let me put it on my 2nd monitor and also while this is open the game itself acts crazy when i move the mouse, it minimizes the game
Just when i think it couldn't possibly get any better and you show me more. Keep up the Great Work! Big fan
The new update is amazing. Its much quicker than before and works great. Thank you.
Awesome plugin and keeps getting better!
Excellent extension to a great plugin! Fantastic work!
Once I have my head wrapped around this (mind you I've been drinking so it may have taken longer than it should) I can appreciate the beauty of creating an app that simplifies what is a somewhat complicated system.

My suggestion to everyone is use all the mouse-hover info that pops up and you _will_ eventually understand how this all works. Very neat. Need to spend more time with it still before it replaces k1lly0u's free alternative.
Awesome Plugin. Totally worth the price. Easy to pickup, many Advanced Features. Constant updates and Responsive Author.
Great Plugin, Tons of Control and great functionality. I Would suggest adding color coding for tabs, or being able to name definitions for easier access and categorizing.
Absolute Control Over Items
This profile editor is pretty decent, the downside that comes with it is trying to edit big advanced profile type they are a pain. You really have no idea what you are doing when there are that many loot definitions, I'm talking about crate_elite that seems to be the biggest one.
Where can i find my rust default json file.
Great Work. Absolutely fantastic. I have a few suggestions that would make your app so much better:

1. Option to skip conformation messages (Are you sure you want to delete this item?)
2. Option to quickly add multiple items, maybe a check select box or shit click to add items in the definition.

This would already improve the usability so much.
Excellent program. Much easier than doing configs in the old way.