AlphaLoot Profile Editor

AlphaLoot Profile Editor 2.0.22

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Requires AlphaLoot version 3.1.36+

Added era selection to advanced definitions and sub-definitions as per game update
Added era selection to simple loot profile items individually
Added new "extra" field to sub-definition nodes
Check string pool strings on init incase FP don't fix the conflicting manifest IDs before next update
Minor changes to default value handling
Fixed duplicating advanced definition not updating the loadout dropdown for NPC profiles
This update requires AlphaLoot version 3.1.27

Added support for the new required loadout field for NPCs. A new dropdown will be visible on the definition nodes where you have the option to select a NPC loadout required to process that node.

See the patch notes for AlphaLoot for more information
Fixed loading/importing saved custom loot profiles
Added support for creating custom loot profiles (Requires plugin v3.1.21)
Updated Unity to 2021.3.16f1
Changed and rescaled default resolution to 1280x720
Changed canvas scaling mode, should fix node connections sometimes not lining up with node positions and scales not updating correctly when loading the editor
Don't allow window resolutions larger than the users screen resolution
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Added option to ignore any loot multiplication for specific items in the loot table
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