AlphaLoot Profile Editor

AlphaLoot Profile Editor 2.0.21

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Added error logging, dumped to editor_log.txt in the root install folder
Changed scroll view movement type to clamped from elastic so it can't move outside of its bounds
Fixed removing a item double pooling the button when the node is rebuilt resulting in the possibility that that button will be re-pooled when rebuilding other item nodes
Added a button to the top left corner of the scroll view to reset its position
Replaced advanced definition layout with a node based system

- Middle click and drag on the grid to scroll around
- Right click on the grid to open a menu to add new nodes or import previously saved node data
- Left click and drag on the grid to use drag selection to select multiple nodes at once
- Mouse scroll wheel zooms in and out of the grid
- Left click and drag to move a node around the grid, supports multiple selected nodes
- Left click and drag the input connection on nodes to make a connection
- Right click on a node to open node menu with the following;
-- 'Select node and children' selects the node you clicked on, plus all child nodes connected to it
-- 'Select node tree' selects the entire tree going back to the definition node
-- 'Delete node' deletes the node you clicked on
-- 'Delete selected nodes' deletes all the nodes currently selected
-- 'Delete node and children' deletes the node you clicked on and all of its children
-- 'Duplicate node' duplicates the node you clicked on
-- 'Duplicate node and children' duplicates the node you click on and all of its children
-- 'Disconnect node' disconnects all the nodes connected to it
-- 'Export node' exports the node you clicked on and any of its children to a file you can import at a later date
- Selected nodes are highlighted in blue
- Hold CTRL + click on a node adds it to your selection
- Hold ALT + click on a node removes it from your selection
- Ability to give nodes custom names, double click on the node title to set a custom name
- Node position and custom name are saved/restored

Added node based undo steps (Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+Y). Undo steps include position, node selection, creation, deletion, duplication, node connections
Added ability to click anywhere outside of a popup window (such as item selector, quick action popups, etc) to close it
Added container preview images to loot profiles
Added item max amount to item icon
Store changes button flashes when changes need to be stored
Replaced a bunch of buttons with text buttons so its clearer to the user
Moved popup notifications to bottom right and hightlight text container so its more noticeable
Rewrote overview
More changes for container profiles
Added button to add new profiles
Fixed container list not clearing existing buttons when loading another loot profile (will apply for the coming AL update)
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Reactions: Gen. Sriracha
Added options to pick a random color between user determined ranges for each subdefinition

Added options to change container padding in sub definitions
Added quick action to mass set min/max amount values across whole loot table
Added quick action to mass set weight for simple definitions across whole loot table
Loot Preview stacks stackable items
Apply loot profile multiplier when generating preview loot
Added toggle to the loot preview window which mimics the "Apply global and individual loot multipliers to un-stackable items" config option in the plugin when calculating item amounts
Update subspawn and item counts in UI when loading from file
Added virtual scroll and search bar to item multiplier and item remover tool panels
Fixed minimize button not working
Fixed search bar preventing spaces from being allowed in the search text
Search bars now compare to both display name and short name
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Reactions: Gen. Sriracha
** Requires AlphaLoot 3.0.5

Added support for setting item limit in advanced profiles
Added "Remove empty definitions" button to quick action menu which will remove all empty advanced definitions and sub-definitions from the entire loot table
Fixed NRE when converting old loot profiles without the profile window open
Set input fields with invariant culture may fix . -> , issue?
Fixed missing cases to remove empty sub-definitions
Mark profile dirty when adding item to simple profile
Remove empty definitions when saving
Added support for pre-v3.0.0 AlphaLoot data files that had min/max options disabled in loottables