
AlphaLoot 3.1.36

  • Added a "Rarity" weighting overview command for active containers of "LootTables.json"
    Shows for each container the amount of items per each rarity-level and the chances per level.
    >> al.containeritemweights
  • Fixed lootpopulation issues for cases where "itemAmountMinMax" is FALSE
  • Fixed any leftover scrap-spawn inconsistencies
  • Prior update did accidently bug scrap-spawns into containers. Fixed
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Reactions: MalS
  • Fixed container-lootpanels not being adjusted by different item-counts.
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Reactions: MalS
WARNING > It's recommended to Backup your data-files BEFORE loading this update!
  • Extended al.lootmultiplier command to set different multipliers over these availables types:
    > all | tables | heli | bradley | fancy <
  • Placed containersettings for Heli-Crates inside 'HeliLoot.json' when using 'enableHeliLoadOut'
    The heli_crate entries get then removed from 'LootTables.json'
  • Placed containersettings for Bradley-Crates inside 'BradleyLoot.json' when using 'enableHeliLoadOut'
    The bradley_crate entries get then removed from 'LootTables.json'
  • Placed containersettings for Supply-Drops inside 'FancyDropLoot.json' when using 'enableFancyDropLoot'
    The supply_drop entries get then removed from 'LootTables.json'
  • Any of these containers does re-appear inside 'LootTables.json' on disabling their repective config switch.
    This was implemented to avoid any confusions by double data-housing for these types.
  • UseVanilla switches were renamed to UseMultiplier to avoid confusions
    Every containertype/data-file holds now a saved UsedMultiplier option (mainly to be changed by above command)
  • Several commands were renamed and|or reworked to converge towards thier correct meaning
  • Several obsolete options were removed from the main-config, some less important were added to support various special needs
  • In case of you stumble over any bad parts which i could'nt proof, resulting in error-messages while loading in or while runtime, PLEASE make a zip-backup of your (broken)data-files at THE current state, report the error, DM me the ZIP-backup, and downgrade to the former working version, if urgent. THX
  • Fixed Error on reading in FancyDrop loottables.
  • Did unbind the rarity-settings from being pushed back into the server-defaults.
    This prevents any issue's with research-scrap-amounts being shown false on the client in some cases and consumed in higher stacks than expected.
  • Changed some internals and removed obsolete reflection code for "OnDestroy"
    @Treane done!
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Reactions: MalS
  • Corrected the available item categories inside the main config
  • Added a new "al.shownewitems" command
  • Fixed al.refreshboxes command