Clans REBORN 3.0.39

  • Fixed the clans overview in some cases showing colortags
  • If you encounter after this any other problems with the overview, plz report with a screen of this case.
  • Tryin to resolve blank-text-issues for clans with a very high member count.
    The clans overview tries to split the text into logical blocks when specific text-lengths are reached.
If anyone encounters some issues, plz tell me and go back to previous version until i got fixed that one.
  • Re-enabled clientside "clans" consolecommand to show available commands
  • Like
Reactions: Zeus_God
  • Added (by request) optional clan-creation-options:
    permissionToCreateClan > clans.cancreate
    usePermToCreateClan > false
  • Added option wipeClansOnNewSave to config
    Set to true will force to wipe the clans when a new map was detected by OnNewSave hook
    This will create also a backup of the clans file before
  • Added FULL localization support to clan/ally broadcast messages
    Before it did only take the primary text from the english file for such messages
  • Added 2 more console commands
    > clans.playerpromote | promotes a player
    > clans.playerdemote | demotes a player
  • Provided improvements by K1ll for the ClansUI functions
  • This update does remove all ClanRadar functions
  • This update does remove all ClanRadar options from config file
Reasons for the removal:
  • The ClanRadar text functions are complete broken by defect game files now since 3 weeks and FP does not seem to solve it next time. The patching of text debug functions was also rejected this week:
  • The ClanRadar functions, based on DDraw debug functions, where complete cutted from being used by normal players, which makes it complete unusable: