Clans REBORN 3.0.39

  • Workaround for current Oxide-version prior to coming release (working also afterwards)
    Needs also DynamicCupshare 2.5.3
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Reactions: MikeTheVike
  • Did forgot to clone the last change onto the Allychat
  • Fixed being muted check with enabled option "clanChatDenyOnMuted"
  • Added FULL translation support across the whole plugin where texts are delivered to players
  • Added an optional mute option for clan/ally-chats when players are muted by BetterChatMute
  • This is part 2 of the recent IMPORTANT update!
  • This does add now also the option to use minified protostorage for the clan data.
    Using this does minimize filesize and reduce disk-perf on savings.
  • To enable this option, set this to true:
      "Storage": {
        "useProtostorageClandata": true
    The plugin will at anytime convert existing data forward and backward, from one method into the other, once you switch it between true/false.
  • Using the new option, the active clans datafile is called /data/
  • IMPORTANT: This patch does change the default used/named clans-datafile to data/Clans.json.
    Any prior existing older file will be automatic taken once and saved as the new.
    This way you loose no data! You need no action.
  • Any further load and save gets then served from the new file.
  • Fixed radar not being removed from players when clan was disbanded
  • This update does complete re-integrate the former inbuilt ClanRadar functions
    This is the initial version; Deeply tested versus common NRE's and also versus the here possible security-leaks.
  • IMPORTANT: The radar needs to force the player-accounts to have the "BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.IsAdmin" being set and synced -> to draw the radar on the client -> revoked & synced on each refresh interval
  • To current code does already contain a 3-staged-fallback-solution to revert any temporary granted adminflags guarenteed back into dust again, and this under several possible faultoptions.

    1) Any forced admin-flag gets instant (miliseconds) revoked after the drawings.
    2) This is also checked|done again when the radar-class was disabled by command, player died, or plugin gets unloaded<>reloaded
    3) In case of all failed up to here to remove the flag, the plugin saved before the needed information direct on the player connection, and gets then lastly checked<>revoked on the next plugin load and|or player login|initialization :p

  • The config-options are still the same like they were before.
    For this intial "testing-phase" i packed them all under one category for the first time
  • A documentation for this comes after reaching a full stable radar section and some cosmetics being applied to the radar-drawer and the config-switches.
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Reactions: DoC
  • Added missing "clans.canjoin" permission registration
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Reactions: EvilynCorporated
  • Added optional permission|switch to join a clan:
        "permissionToJoinClan": "clans.canjoin",
        "usePermToJoinClan": false
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Reactions: EvilynCorporated