"Teaming": {
"allowButtonKick": true, // to enable/disable the kick function by overlay for the owner
"allowButtonLeave": true, // to enable/disable the simple leave for each member
"allowDirectInvite": true, // to enable/disable the direct playerinvite for the owner
"allowPromoteLeader": true, // to enable/disable the direct promote of another owner
"clientRefreshInterval": 5.0, // defines the interval how often the clan will send out a refresh to each online player
"disableManageFunctions": false, // enable/disable any (above mentioned) UI interactions
"listDeadOfflineMembers": false, // to list also "dead & offline" normal members; member with any role are always listed
"useRankColorsPanel": true, // uses the clan rank colors also for the UI-Panel
"useRelationshipManager": true // enables/disables the whole Team-Extensions