Clans REBORN 3.0.39

Added API
(List<string>) GetClanAlliances(ulong playerId)

All API methods have string argument variants
(bool) IsAllyPlayer(ulong playerId, ulong otherId)
// -OR-
(bool) IsAllyPlayer(string playerId, string otherId)
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Reactions: MalS
Added API:
(bool) IsClanMember(ulong playerId, ulong otherId) // Check if 2 players are clan mates
(bool) IsMemberOrAlly(ulong playerId, ulong otherId) // Check if 2 players are clan mates or clan allies
(bool) IsAllyPlayer(ulong playerId, ulong otherId) // Check if 2 players are in allied clans
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Reactions: Kinesis and zzzJam
Fix NRE in UpdateTeam
Un-fuck team management and just piggy back of the games default setup
Fixed client NRE when opening the map
  • TeamUI related update
    The UI does'nt support anymore colortags. Those where disabled in Clans for now.
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Reactions: MalS
  • The clan description on creation does now disallow RichText
  • The clan- and ally-chats are now printed to console like common gamechat
    Formatting is (for grabbing from the output):
    CLAN: {playername}: {message}
    ALLY: {playername}: {message}
  • Added hooks for those message types also:
    OnClanChat(BasePlayer player, string message, string tag)
    OnAllianceChat(BasePlayer player, string message, string tag)
  • Replaced any old (now unsupported) colornames in the defaults with their associated hex values
  • Fixed a bug where the prior Team(Clan)-names (TeamUI) did constantly re-appear after disbanding a clan
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Reactions: Emanoel
  • Fixed FormatException at "cmdClanKick"
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Reactions: MalS