Fixes for the new functions.
A clan-membership does disable any "Team"-commands/buttons;
The common behaviour should then be: The clan gets displayed as team;
Leaving a clan does enable the team functions again for a player;
The overall "useRelationshipManager" function does disable also the former clanRadar;
The Team-functions (display, etc) should now also work again on join, leaves, kicks, deaths, etc... This needs to be proofed now
Added a clan-tag indexing to hold any original casesensitive name by a lowercase key.
This does ease up the usage for chatcommands and also the complete administrative functions.
Added a player validation check the loading process:
> When in covalence an User-ID does either not exist, or the id exists but the name is empty, it get excluded from the load-in (= kick^^)
> This is needed to prevent (on veryrare-cases) to have "ghost-players" inside a clan.