
DynamicCupShare 3.1.19

  • Optimized cupboard checks against placements to prevent "Can't place" messages
  • Fixed Cast error from last update
  • Added Flameturret sharing
  • Added automatic FlameTurret protection for turret owner (person who build)
  • Extended AutoTurret protection on Shutdown to prevent kills
  • Extended AutoTurret protection on Startup to prevent kills
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Reactions: Leeter
  • Improved CanBuild checks to lower down "can't build" messages
  • Updated LayerMask check to prevent place-blocks while being buildallowed
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Reactions: RusTenas
  • Added option to block players from toggling their settings.
    Can be set for each command option
  • true means, players can use the switch, false would block
  "PlayerToggles": {
    "AutoAuth": true,
    "BoxShare": true,
    "ClanBoxShare": true,
    "ClanCupShare": true,
    "ClanLockShare": true,
    "ClanTurretShare": true,
    "CupShare": true,
    "LockShare": true,
    "TurretShare": true
  • Corrected CanBuild check for deployables not working properly
  • Improved player data checks and data creation
  • This way it should prevent now any key-not-found execptions
  • Fixed door placement (right checks) not working properly