
DynamicCupShare 3.1.19

  • Fixed "Friends" support
  • Probable fix for NRE at OnTurretTarget
  • Major code-overhaul across the whole plugin;
    Got rid of unneeded calculations or replaced them to a centralized position
  • Improved performance especially for any turret hooks on FlameTurret and GunTrap;
    These cannot save users by internal lists (like the AutoTurret) and need therefore to re-check the targets on each turret-tick;
    This uses now a smart caching method to prevent the same repeating Clan/Friends-status checks on the same turret while the player is still in range of.
  • Multiple times tested, but can still have a few|new non-critical bugs.
  • Tweaked the performance (= consumed plugintime) for the per-player based cupboard authorization checks.
    For any who knows how to compare before and after: plz note the current runtime and plugintime, let it run the same time, and take then note of the plugintime again.
  • Trying to fix NRE at "SetPlayer"
  • Trying to fix NRE at "CanBeTargeted"
  • Excluded "NPCAutoTurret" from being processed by the plugin to prevent NRE's at "OnTurretTarget"
  • Fixed "allowTwigIntoBlocked" (while true) not working properly.
  • Made a small change to the return behaviour of "CanUseLockedEntity" to support plugins like AbsoluteSorter and their slight modified box management.
    @thepiercedweirdo ;)
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Reactions: Fusion 3.64
  • Internal code clean-up & optimization
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Reactions: Vustra.
  • Fix for Quarry switch actions (on/off issues)