
Earthquake 0.1.7

Create island wide earthquakes with the option to damage players and structures

Create different levels of intensity by creating multiple settings in the config.

Permission - Required to use the chat command

Chat Commands
/quake <config name> - Run a earthquake with the settings of the specified name
/quake cancel - Cancel a earthquake in progress

Console Commands
quake <config name>
quake cancel

  "Earthquake Presets": {
    "Mild": {
      "Amount of damage to deal to players (percentage of current health)": 0.0,
      "Chance of players being damaged (0 - 100)": 0.0,
      "Amount of damage to deal to structures (percentage of current health)": 0.0,
      "Chance of structures being damaged (0 - 100)": 0.0,
      "Duration of earthquake (seconds)": 30.0
    "Medium": {
      "Amount of damage to deal to players (percentage of current health)": 2.0,
      "Chance of players being damaged (0 - 100)": 5.0,
      "Amount of damage to deal to structures (percentage of current health)": 0.0,
      "Chance of structures being damaged (0 - 100)": 0.0,
      "Duration of earthquake (seconds)": 60.0
    "Intense": {
      "Amount of damage to deal to players (percentage of current health)": 5.0,
      "Chance of players being damaged (0 - 100)": 10.0,
      "Amount of damage to deal to structures (percentage of current health)": 20.0,
      "Chance of structures being damaged (0 - 100)": 20.0,
      "Duration of earthquake (seconds)": 120.0
  "Broadcast message when earthquake begins": true,
  "Broadcast message when earthquake finishes": true,
  "Earthquake begin message": "A earthquake has been detected on the island!",
  "Earthquake finish message": "The earthquake has subsided!",
  "Version": {
    "Major": 0,
    "Minor": 1,
    "Patch": 0


First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 6 ratings

Latest Release v0.1.7

Sep 7, 2023 at 3:49 AM
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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Earthquake by k1lly0u
© Feb 11, 2018

Latest reviews

This plugin is just awesome with it you can really scare people they do not know what's going on clear buy recommendation.
Love it.
very nice plugin .. easy to use and my players love it
Love it! Well done, great for pre-wipe events!
Awesome work!
Just as i wanted. Very good!