
Loadouts 2.0.9

This plugin requires the Chaos extension -> https://chaoscode.io/resources/chaos.321/

Allow players to create custom loadouts which they can later claim


Demo showcasing the supply drop option ^^​

All functionality is managed via UI
Permission based options for VIPs, including slot limits for loadouts, amount of loadout profiles, cooldown times, and cost multipliers
Players can create loadouts either from their current inventory, or via a loadout creation menu (requires permission)
Optional cooldowns for claiming loadouts
Optional customizable costs for claiming loadouts using ServerRewards, Economics, or scrap
Option to either give players the items directly, or through a supply drop as shown in the video above
Option to automatically give loadouts when a player respawns
Ability to restrict claiming loadouts to certain zones specified in the config
Set limits for how much of each item can be saved in a loadout

/loadout - Opens the loadout menu.
*Commands and aliases are customizable in the config*

/editdefaultloadout - Create or edit a default loadout profile for players if auto-loadouts on respawn is enabled and the player has not yet created a loadout to respawn with
/deletedefaultloadout - Deletes the default loadout

(Console) loadouts.givedefaultloadout <playerID> - Used to give the target player the default loadout. Can be used by admins or other plugins

Loadouts uses Oxides permission system
To assign a user permission use oxide.grant user "username|steam id" "permission" in console.
To assign a group permission use oxide.grant group "groupname" "permission" in console.
You can read more about how to use the permission system here : uMod - Permissions
loadouts.itemselector - Required to use the item selector UI when creating loadouts
Other permissions are customizable via the config

loadouts.nocreationcooldown - Users with the permission will not be subjected to cooldown times for creating new loadouts

Creating Loadouts
Creating loadouts can be done in 2 ways. The first is just a direct copy of the player current inventory. If the player does not have the "loadouts.itemselector" permission loadout creation will default to this method.
If players do have the "loadouts.itemselector" permission then they will be shown an empty loadout, they can then click each slot in the load out and select a item.

Restricting which items can be saved in a loadout profile
You can restrict the items allowed to be saved in a loot profile in the config. There are 3 options for this;
The "Allowed categories" section of the config lets you specify which item categories are allowed to be saved. This is good for bulk removal of items you do not want players to be able to save
The "Items allowed" section of the config lets you specify individual items that players will be able to save, even if the items category is disabled
The "Items not allowed" section of the config lets you specify individual items you do not want players to be able to save

Limiting the amount of each item in a loadout profile
You can set limits for the amount per item allowed in a loadout profile.
You can find the file containing these limits in /oxide/data/Loadouts/item_limits.json
It contains every item, with the maximum item amount next to it. By default this is set to the max stack size of each item

Supply Drop and changing its behaviour
To enable supply drops set "Method to give items to player (SupplyDrop, GiveItems)" to "SupplyDrop"
There are a couple of options you can change;
"Drop velocity" is how fast it falls out of the sky
"Parachute deploy distance from ground" is the distance above its landing position before it deploys the parachute
** Note ** If you have a high velocity and a small deploy distance the airdrop can fall through the ground!

Editing costs
Costs can be edited in the json file located in /data/Loadouts/item_costs.json. This file contains all items in the game and updates automatically. The default cost is generated using the items rarity so you will likely want to change this if you have costs enabled.
The default costs file is shown at the bottom of the overview

Automatic Loadouts on respawn
You can opt to automatically give players a loadout when they respawn in place of the default rock and torch.
The loadout they will be given is the last loadout they claimed. If they have not claimed a loadout yet then they will receive the default loadout (if it has been created)

Players will need atleast 1 of the Loadout usage permissions from the config to claim the default loadout.

There is no cost associated with automatic loadouts on respawn

To create or edit the default loadout profile type /editdefaultloadout, this will open the creator menu for you to work on it, exactly the same way as you would create any loadout profile.
If you no longer want players to be able to claim the default loadout type /deletedefaultloadout to remove it

The configuration file can be found in your server directory at .../oxide/config/Loadouts.json
The use of an editor and validator is recommended to avoid formatting issues
  "Profile Limitations (permission / options)": {
    "loadouts.default": {
      "Maximum number of profiles allowed": 2,
      "Number of belt slots": 6,
      "Number of main slots": 0,
      "Number of wear slots": 3,
      "Claim cooldown time (seconds)": 1800,
      "Create cooldown time (seconds)": 600,
      "Cost multiplier": 1.0
    "loadouts.vip1": {
      "Maximum number of profiles allowed": 3,
      "Number of belt slots": 6,
      "Number of main slots": 6,
      "Number of wear slots": 6,
      "Claim cooldown time (seconds)": 900,
      "Create cooldown time (seconds)": 300,
      "Cost multiplier": 0.75
    "loadouts.vip2": {
      "Maximum number of profiles allowed": 4,
      "Number of belt slots": 6,
      "Number of main slots": 24,
      "Number of wear slots": 7,
      "Claim cooldown time (seconds)": 600,
      "Create cooldown time (seconds)": 120,
      "Cost multiplier": 0.5
  "Cost Options": {
    "Claiming loadouts cost currency": false,
    "Currency type (ServerRewards, Economics, Scrap)": "Scrap"
  "Commands to open loadout menu": [
  "Allowed categories of items allowed to be saved in loadout profiles": [
  "Items allowed to be saved in loadout profiles (shortname) (ignores disabled categories)": [],
  "Items not allowed to be saved in loadout profiles (shortname)": [
  "Method to give items to player (SupplyDrop, GiveItems)": "SupplyDrop",
  "Give last purchased loadout as auto-kit on respawn (there is no cost associated with this)": false,
  "Take items when player creates a loadout from their inventory": false,
  "Method to give items to player when claimed as a auto-kit (SupplyDrop, GiveItems)": "SupplyDrop",
  "Supply Drop Options": {
    "Drop velocity": 120.0,
    "Time from when supply signal is thrown until drop is launched (seconds)": 20.0,
    "Parachute deploy distance from ground": 50.0,
    "Disallow players from claiming a loadout signal if they already have one in their inventory": false
  "Only allow loadouts to be claimed in these zones": [],
  "UI Colors": {
    "Background": {
      "Hex": "151515",
      "Alpha": 0.94
    "Panel": {
      "Hex": "FFFFFF",
      "Alpha": 0.165
    "PanelHeader": {
      "Hex": "C4FF00",
      "Alpha": 0.314
    "Button": {
      "Hex": "2A2E32",
      "Alpha": 1.0
    "Highlight1": {
      "Hex": "C4FF00",
      "Alpha": 1.0
    "Highlight2": {
      "Hex": "008FFF",
      "Alpha": 1.0
    "Highlight3": {
      "Hex": "CE422B",
      "Alpha": 1.0
    "Close": {
      "Hex": "CE422B",
      "Alpha": 1.0
  "Version": {
    "Major": 2,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 0

Default costs file
  "costs": {
    "abovegroundpool": 1.0,
    "ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot": 1.0,
    "ammo.grenadelauncher.he": 1.0,
    "ammo.grenadelauncher.smoke": 1.0,
    "ammo.handmade.shell": 1.0,
    "ammo.nailgun.nails": 1.0,
    "ammo.pistol": 3.0,
    "ammo.pistol.fire": 4.0,
    "ammo.pistol.hv": 4.0,
    "ammo.rifle": 4.0,
    "ammo.rifle.explosive": 4.0,
    "ammo.rifle.hv": 4.0,
    "ammo.rifle.incendiary": 4.0,
    "ammo.rocket.basic": 4.0,
    "ammo.rocket.fire": 4.0,
    "ammo.rocket.hv": 4.0,
    "ammo.rocket.sam": 3.0,
    "ammo.rocket.smoke": 1.0,
    "ammo.shotgun": 3.0,
    "ammo.shotgun.fire": 3.0,
    "ammo.shotgun.slug": 3.0,
    "antiradpills": 2.0,
    "apple": 0.2,
    "apple.spoiled": 0.1,
    "arcade.machine.chippy": 1.0,
    "arrow.bone": 1.0,
    "arrow.fire": 2.0,
    "arrow.hv": 2.0,
    "arrow.wooden": 1.0,
    "attire.banditguard": 1.0,
    "attire.bunny.onesie": 4.0,
    "attire.bunnyears": 1.0,
    "attire.hide.boots": 1.0,
    "attire.hide.helterneck": 1.0,
    "attire.hide.pants": 1.0,
    "attire.hide.poncho": 1.0,
    "attire.hide.skirt": 1.0,
    "attire.hide.vest": 1.0,
    "attire.nesthat": 1.0,
    "attire.reindeer.headband": 1.0,
    "autoturret": 5.0,
    "axe.salvaged": 4.0,
    "bandage": 2.0,
    "barrelcostume": 3.0,
    "barricade.concrete": 2.0,
    "barricade.metal": 4.0,
    "barricade.sandbags": 2.0,
    "barricade.stone": 2.0,
    "barricade.wood": 2.0,
    "barricade.wood.cover": 2.0,
    "barricade.woodwire": 3.0,
    "battery.small": 0.1,
    "bbq": 2.0,
    "beachchair": 1.0,
    "beachparasol": 1.0,
    "beachtable": 1.0,
    "beachtowel": 3.0,
    "bearmeat": 0.3,
    "bearmeat.burned": 0.1,
    "bearmeat.cooked": 0.3,
    "bed": 3.0,
    "black.berry": 0.3,
    "black.raspberries": 0.3,
    "bleach": 3.0,
    "blood": 1.0,
    "blue.berry": 0.3,
    "blueberries": 0.3,
    "blueprintbase": 1.0,
    "bone.armor.suit": 1.0,
    "bone.club": 1.0,
    "bone.fragments": 0.1,
    "boogieboard": 1.0,
    "boots.frog": 1.0,
    "botabag": 1.0,
    "bow.compound": 1.0,
    "bow.hunting": 1.0,
    "box.repair.bench": 1.0,
    "box.wooden": 1.0,
    "box.wooden.large": 1.0,
    "bucket.helmet": 3.0,
    "bucket.water": 2.0,
    "building.planner": 1.0,
    "burlap.gloves": 2.0,
    "burlap.gloves.new": 2.0,
    "burlap.headwrap": 1.0,
    "burlap.shirt": 1.0,
    "burlap.shoes": 1.0,
    "burlap.trousers": 1.0,
    "cactusflesh": 0.1,
    "cakefiveyear": 1.0,
    "campfire": 1.0,
    "can.beans": 0.2,
    "can.beans.empty": 0.1,
    "can.tuna": 0.2,
    "can.tuna.empty": 0.1,
    "candycane": 0.1,
    "candycaneclub": 1.0,
    "car.key": 1.0,
    "carburetor1": 3.0,
    "carburetor2": 4.0,
    "carburetor3": 4.0,
    "cctv.camera": 0.5,
    "ceilinglight": 2.0,
    "chainsaw": 4.0,
    "chair": 2.0,
    "charcoal": 0.1,
    "chicken.burned": 0.1,
    "chicken.cooked": 0.3,
    "chicken.raw": 0.3,
    "chicken.spoiled": 0.1,
    "chineselantern": 2.0,
    "chocholate": 0.2,
    "clatter.helmet": 1.0,
    "clone.black.berry": 0.1,
    "clone.blue.berry": 0.1,
    "clone.corn": 0.1,
    "clone.green.berry": 0.1,
    "clone.hemp": 0.1,
    "clone.potato": 0.1,
    "clone.pumpkin": 0.1,
    "clone.red.berry": 0.1,
    "clone.white.berry": 0.1,
    "clone.yellow.berry": 0.1,
    "cloth": 0.3,
    "coal": 0.1,
    "coffeecan.helmet": 3.0,
    "coffin.storage": 1.0,
    "composter": 1.0,
    "computerstation": 3.0,
    "corn": 0.3,
    "crankshaft1": 3.0,
    "crankshaft2": 4.0,
    "crankshaft3": 4.0,
    "cratecostume": 3.0,
    "crossbow": 3.0,
    "crude.oil": 0.1,
    "cupboard.tool": 1.0,
    "cursedcauldron": 1.0,
    "deer.skull.mask": 1.0,
    "deermeat.burned": 0.1,
    "deermeat.cooked": 0.3,
    "deermeat.raw": 0.3,
    "diesel_barrel": 0.1,
    "diving.fins": 3.0,
    "diving.mask": 3.0,
    "diving.tank": 3.0,
    "diving.wetsuit": 4.0,
    "door.closer": 1.0,
    "door.double.hinged.metal": 1.0,
    "door.double.hinged.toptier": 5.0,
    "door.double.hinged.wood": 4.0,
    "door.hinged.metal": 4.0,
    "door.hinged.toptier": 5.0,
    "door.hinged.wood": 1.0,
    "door.key": 1.0,
    "dragondoorknocker": 1.0,
    "dropbox": 3.0,
    "drumkit": 2.0,
    "ducttape": 3.0,
    "easter.bronzeegg": 1.0,
    "easter.goldegg": 1.0,
    "easter.paintedeggs": 1.0,
    "easter.silveregg": 1.0,
    "easterbasket": 3.0,
    "easterdoorwreath": 1.0,
    "electric.andswitch": 2.0,
    "electric.audioalarm": 2.0,
    "electric.battery.rechargable.large": 3.0,
    "electric.battery.rechargable.medium": 3.0,
    "electric.battery.rechargable.small": 2.0,
    "electric.blocker": 2.0,
    "electric.button": 2.0,
    "electric.cabletunnel": 1.0,
    "electric.counter": 3.0,
    "electric.doorcontroller": 3.0,
    "electric.flasherlight": 2.0,
    "electric.fuelgenerator.small": 3.0,
    "electric.generator.small": 3.0,
    "electric.hbhfsensor": 3.0,
    "electric.heater": 3.0,
    "electric.igniter": 2.0,
    "electric.laserdetector": 3.0,
    "electric.orswitch": 2.0,
    "electric.pressurepad": 2.0,
    "electric.random.switch": 2.0,
    "electric.rf.broadcaster": 2.0,
    "electric.rf.receiver": 2.0,
    "electric.simplelight": 1.0,
    "electric.sirenlight": 2.0,
    "electric.solarpanel.large": 3.0,
    "electric.splitter": 2.0,
    "electric.sprinkler": 2.0,
    "electric.switch": 2.0,
    "electric.teslacoil": 2.0,
    "electric.timer": 2.0,
    "electric.xorswitch": 2.0,
    "electrical.branch": 2.0,
    "electrical.combiner": 3.0,
    "electrical.memorycell": 3.0,
    "explosive.satchel": 4.0,
    "explosive.timed": 5.0,
    "explosives": 0.5,
    "fat.animal": 0.1,
    "fertilizer": 0.1,
    "fireplace.stone": 2.0,
    "firework.boomer.blue": 1.0,
    "firework.boomer.champagne": 1.0,
    "firework.boomer.green": 1.0,
    "firework.boomer.orange": 1.0,
    "firework.boomer.red": 1.0,
    "firework.boomer.violet": 1.0,
    "firework.romancandle.blue": 1.0,
    "firework.romancandle.green": 1.0,
    "firework.romancandle.red": 1.0,
    "firework.romancandle.violet": 1.0,
    "firework.volcano": 1.0,
    "firework.volcano.red": 1.0,
    "firework.volcano.violet": 1.0,
    "fish.cooked": 0.1,
    "fish.minnows": 0.1,
    "fish.raw": 0.1,
    "fish.troutsmall": 0.1,
    "fishingrod.handmade": 1.0,
    "fishtrap.small": 1.0,
    "flamethrower": 4.0,
    "flameturret": 3.0,
    "flare": 2.0,
    "flashlight.held": 2.0,
    "floor.grill": 3.0,
    "floor.ladder.hatch": 4.0,
    "floor.triangle.grill": 3.0,
    "floor.triangle.ladder.hatch": 4.0,
    "fluid.combiner": 2.0,
    "fluid.splitter": 2.0,
    "fluid.switch": 2.0,
    "fogmachine": 1.0,
    "fridge": 2.0,
    "fun.bass": 2.0,
    "fun.cowbell": 2.0,
    "fun.flute": 2.0,
    "fun.guitar": 2.0,
    "fun.jerrycanguitar": 2.0,
    "fun.tambourine": 2.0,
    "fun.trumpet": 2.0,
    "fun.tuba": 2.0,
    "furnace": 1.0,
    "furnace.large": 4.0,
    "fuse": 4.0,
    "gates.external.high.stone": 5.0,
    "gates.external.high.wood": 4.0,
    "gears": 4.0,
    "geiger.counter": 1.0,
    "generator.wind.scrap": 4.0,
    "giantcandycanedecor": 1.0,
    "giantlollipops": 1.0,
    "gloweyes": 1.0,
    "glue": 3.0,
    "granolabar": 0.2,
    "gravestone": 1.0,
    "green.berry": 0.3,
    "grenade.beancan": 3.0,
    "grenade.f1": 3.0,
    "grenade.smoke": 5.0,
    "gun.water": 2.0,
    "gunpowder": 0.5,
    "guntrap": 4.0,
    "habrepair": 1.0,
    "halloween.candy": 1.0,
    "halloween.lootbag.large": 1.0,
    "halloween.lootbag.medium": 1.0,
    "halloween.lootbag.small": 1.0,
    "halloween.mummysuit": 4.0,
    "halloween.surgeonsuit": 4.0,
    "hammer": 1.0,
    "hammer.salvaged": 3.0,
    "hat.beenie": 2.0,
    "hat.boonie": 2.0,
    "hat.candle": 2.0,
    "hat.cap": 4.0,
    "hat.dragonmask": 1.0,
    "hat.miner": 2.0,
    "hat.ratmask": 1.0,
    "hat.wolf": 4.0,
    "hatchet": 3.0,
    "hazmatsuit": 4.0,
    "hazmatsuit_scientist": 1.0,
    "hazmatsuit_scientist_peacekeeper": 1.0,
    "healingtea": 0.2,
    "healingtea.advanced": 0.2,
    "healingtea.pure": 0.2,
    "heavy.plate.helmet": 4.0,
    "heavy.plate.jacket": 4.0,
    "heavy.plate.pants": 4.0,
    "hitchtroughcombo": 1.0,
    "hoodie": 3.0,
    "horse.armor.roadsign": 4.0,
    "horse.armor.wood": 1.0,
    "horse.saddlebag": 1.0,
    "horse.shoes.advanced": 3.0,
    "horse.shoes.basic": 1.0,
    "horsedung": 0.5,
    "horsemeat.burned": 0.1,
    "horsemeat.cooked": 0.3,
    "horsemeat.raw": 0.3,
    "hosetool": 2.0,
    "hq.metal.ore": 0.1,
    "humanmeat.burned": 0.1,
    "humanmeat.cooked": 0.1,
    "humanmeat.raw": 0.1,
    "humanmeat.spoiled": 0.1,
    "icepick.salvaged": 4.0,
    "innertube": 1.0,
    "innertube.horse": 1.0,
    "innertube.unicorn": 1.0,
    "jacket": 2.0,
    "jacket.snow": 2.0,
    "jackhammer": 4.0,
    "jackolantern.angry": 1.0,
    "jackolantern.happy": 1.0,
    "jar.pickle": 0.1,
    "keycard_blue": 2.0,
    "keycard_green": 2.0,
    "keycard_red": 2.0,
    "knife.bone": 1.0,
    "knife.butcher": 1.0,
    "knife.combat": 3.0,
    "ladder.wooden.wall": 4.0,
    "lantern": 2.0,
    "largecandles": 1.0,
    "largemedkit": 3.0,
    "leather": 0.3,
    "lmg.m249": 5.0,
    "lock.code": 1.0,
    "lock.key": 1.0,
    "locker": 3.0,
    "longsword": 3.0,
    "lowgradefuel": 0.1,
    "lunar.firecrackers": 1.0,
    "mace": 3.0,
    "machete": 2.0,
    "mailbox": 2.0,
    "map": 1.0,
    "mask.balaclava": 2.0,
    "mask.bandana": 2.0,
    "maxhealthtea": 0.1,
    "maxhealthtea.advanced": 0.1,
    "maxhealthtea.pure": 0.1,
    "meat.boar": 0.3,
    "meat.pork.burned": 0.1,
    "meat.pork.cooked": 0.3,
    "metal.facemask": 5.0,
    "metal.fragments": 0.3,
    "metal.ore": 0.1,
    "metal.plate.torso": 5.0,
    "metal.refined": 0.4,
    "metalblade": 3.0,
    "metalpipe": 4.0,
    "metalspring": 4.0,
    "minihelicopter.repair": 1.0,
    "mining.pumpjack": 1.0,
    "mining.quarry": 1.0,
    "mixingtable": 3.0,
    "modularcarlift": 4.0,
    "multiplegrenadelauncher": 1.0,
    "mushroom": 0.1,
    "newyeargong": 1.0,
    "nightvisiongoggles": 4.0,
    "note": 1.0,
    "oretea": 0.1,
    "oretea.advanced": 0.1,
    "oretea.pure": 0.1,
    "paddlingpool": 1.0,
    "pants": 3.0,
    "pants.shorts": 2.0,
    "paper": 0.1,
    "partyhat": 1.0,
    "photo": 2.0,
    "photoframe.landscape": 3.0,
    "photoframe.large": 4.0,
    "photoframe.portrait": 3.0,
    "piano": 2.0,
    "pickaxe": 3.0,
    "pistol.eoka": 2.0,
    "pistol.m92": 4.0,
    "pistol.nailgun": 3.0,
    "pistol.python": 4.0,
    "pistol.revolver": 3.0,
    "pistol.semiauto": 4.0,
    "pistol.water": 2.0,
    "piston1": 3.0,
    "piston2": 4.0,
    "piston3": 4.0,
    "pitchfork": 1.0,
    "planter.large": 2.0,
    "planter.small": 2.0,
    "plantfiber": 0.1,
    "pookie.bear": 1.0,
    "potato": 0.3,
    "powered.water.purifier": 3.0,
    "propanetank": 3.0,
    "pumpkin": 0.3,
    "pumpkinbasket": 3.0,
    "radiationremovetea": 0.1,
    "radiationremovetea.advanced": 0.1,
    "radiationremovetea.pure": 0.1,
    "radiationresisttea": 0.1,
    "radiationresisttea.advanced": 0.1,
    "radiationresisttea.pure": 0.1,
    "red.berry": 0.3,
    "research.table": 4.0,
    "researchpaper": 0.1,
    "rf.detonator": 2.0,
    "rf_pager": 2.0,
    "rifle.ak": 5.0,
    "rifle.bolt": 5.0,
    "rifle.l96": 5.0,
    "rifle.lr300": 5.0,
    "rifle.m39": 4.0,
    "rifle.semiauto": 4.0,
    "riflebody": 5.0,
    "riot.helmet": 3.0,
    "roadsign.gloves": 2.0,
    "roadsign.jacket": 3.0,
    "roadsign.kilt": 3.0,
    "roadsigns": 3.0,
    "rock": 1.0,
    "rocket.launcher": 5.0,
    "rope": 3.0,
    "rug": 2.0,
    "rug.bear": 2.0,
    "rustige_egg_a": 1.0,
    "rustige_egg_b": 1.0,
    "rustige_egg_c": 1.0,
    "rustige_egg_d": 1.0,
    "salvaged.cleaver": 3.0,
    "salvaged.sword": 2.0,
    "samsite": 1.0,
    "santabeard": 1.0,
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    "scarecrow": 1.0,
    "scarecrow.suit": 4.0,
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    "scientistsuit_heavy": 1.0,
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    "scraptea.pure": 0.1,
    "scraptransportheli.repair": 1.0,
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    "seed.blue.berry": 0.1,
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    "seed.green.berry": 0.1,
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    "seed.potato": 0.1,
    "seed.pumpkin": 0.1,
    "seed.red.berry": 0.1,
    "seed.white.berry": 0.1,
    "seed.yellow.berry": 0.1,
    "semibody": 4.0,
    "sewingkit": 3.0,
    "sheetmetal": 3.0,
    "shelves": 3.0,
    "shirt.collared": 3.0,
    "shirt.tanktop": 2.0,
    "shoes.boots": 3.0,
    "shotgun.double": 4.0,
    "shotgun.pump": 4.0,
    "shotgun.spas12": 1.0,
    "shotgun.waterpipe": 3.0,
    "shutter.metal.embrasure.a": 2.0,
    "shutter.metal.embrasure.b": 2.0,
    "shutter.wood.a": 2.0,
    "sickle": 1.0,
    "sign.hanging": 3.0,
    "sign.hanging.banner.large": 4.0,
    "sign.hanging.ornate": 4.0,
    "sign.pictureframe.landscape": 3.0,
    "sign.pictureframe.portrait": 3.0,
    "sign.pictureframe.tall": 3.0,
    "sign.pictureframe.xl": 4.0,
    "sign.pictureframe.xxl": 4.0,
    "sign.pole.banner.large": 4.0,
    "sign.post.double": 3.0,
    "sign.post.single": 2.0,
    "sign.post.town": 3.0,
    "sign.post.town.roof": 4.0,
    "sign.wooden.huge": 3.0,
    "sign.wooden.large": 3.0,
    "sign.wooden.medium": 2.0,
    "sign.wooden.small": 2.0,
    "skull.human": 0.1,
    "skull.wolf": 0.1,
    "skull_fire_pit": 1.0,
    "skulldoorknocker": 1.0,
    "sleepingbag": 3.0,
    "small.oil.refinery": 3.0,
    "smallcandles": 1.0,
    "smallwaterbottle": 0.2,
    "smart.alarm": 3.0,
    "smart.switch": 2.0,
    "smg.2": 4.0,
    "smg.mp5": 4.0,
    "smg.thompson": 4.0,
    "smgbody": 4.0,
    "snowball": 1.0,
    "snowmachine": 1.0,
    "snowman": 1.0,
    "sparkplug1": 3.0,
    "sparkplug2": 4.0,
    "sparkplug3": 4.0,
    "spear.stone": 3.0,
    "spear.wooden": 1.0,
    "spiderweb": 1.0,
    "spikes.floor": 2.0,
    "spinner.wheel": 2.0,
    "spookyspeaker": 1.0,
    "stash.small": 1.0,
    "sticks": 3.0,
    "stocking.large": 1.0,
    "stocking.small": 1.0,
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    "stones": 0.1,
    "strobelight": 1.0,
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    "sulfur.ore": 0.4,
    "sunglasses": 3.0,
    "sunglasses02black": 1.0,
    "sunglasses02camo": 1.0,
    "sunglasses02red": 1.0,
    "sunglasses03black": 1.0,
    "sunglasses03chrome": 1.0,
    "sunglasses03gold": 1.0,
    "supply.signal": 5.0,
    "surveycharge": 1.0,
    "syringe.medical": 3.0,
    "table": 2.0,
    "tactical.gloves": 2.0,
    "target.reactive": 2.0,
    "targeting.computer": 0.5,
    "tarp": 3.0,
    "techparts": 5.0,
    "tool.binoculars": 3.0,
    "tool.camera": 5.0,
    "tool.instant_camera": 5.0,
    "toolgun": 1.0,
    "torch": 1.0,
    "trap.bear": 3.0,
    "trap.landmine": 4.0,
    "tshirt": 2.0,
    "tshirt.long": 2.0,
    "tunalight": 2.0,
    "valve1": 3.0,
    "valve2": 4.0,
    "valve3": 4.0,
    "vehicle.1mod.cockpit": 4.0,
    "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored": 4.0,
    "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.with.engine": 4.0,
    "vehicle.1mod.engine": 4.0,
    "vehicle.1mod.flatbed": 4.0,
    "vehicle.1mod.passengers.armored": 4.0,
    "vehicle.1mod.rear.seats": 4.0,
    "vehicle.1mod.storage": 4.0,
    "vehicle.2mod.flatbed": 4.0,
    "vehicle.2mod.fuel.tank": 4.0,
    "vehicle.2mod.passengers": 4.0,
    "vehicle.chassis": 1.0,
    "vehicle.chassis.2mod": 1.0,
    "vehicle.chassis.3mod": 1.0,
    "vehicle.chassis.4mod": 1.0,
    "vehicle.module": 4.0,
    "vending.machine": 3.0,
    "wall.external.high": 4.0,
    "wall.external.high.stone": 5.0,
    "wall.frame.cell": 3.0,
    "wall.frame.cell.gate": 3.0,
    "wall.frame.fence": 2.0,
    "wall.frame.fence.gate": 2.0,
    "wall.frame.garagedoor": 3.0,
    "wall.frame.netting": 2.0,
    "wall.frame.shopfront": 4.0,
    "wall.frame.shopfront.metal": 4.0,
    "wall.graveyard.fence": 1.0,
    "wall.window.bars.metal": 3.0,
    "wall.window.bars.toptier": 4.0,
    "wall.window.bars.wood": 2.0,
    "wall.window.glass.reinforced": 3.0,
    "watchtower.wood": 3.0,
    "water": 0.1,
    "water.barrel": 2.0,
    "water.catcher.large": 3.0,
    "water.catcher.small": 2.0,
    "water.purifier": 1.0,
    "water.salt": 0.1,
    "waterjug": 0.3,
    "waterpump": 3.0,
    "weapon.mod.8x.scope": 4.0,
    "weapon.mod.flashlight": 3.0,
    "weapon.mod.holosight": 4.0,
    "weapon.mod.lasersight": 4.0,
    "weapon.mod.muzzleboost": 4.0,
    "weapon.mod.muzzlebrake": 4.0,
    "weapon.mod.silencer": 3.0,
    "weapon.mod.simplesight": 3.0,
    "weapon.mod.small.scope": 4.0,
    "white.berry": 0.3,
    "wiretool": 1.0,
    "wolfmeat.burned": 0.1,
    "wolfmeat.cooked": 0.3,
    "wolfmeat.raw": 0.3,
    "wolfmeat.spoiled": 0.1,
    "wood": 0.1,
    "wood.armor.helmet": 3.0,
    "wood.armor.jacket": 3.0,
    "wood.armor.pants": 3.0,
    "woodcross": 1.0,
    "woodtea": 0.1,
    "woodtea.advanced": 0.1,
    "woodtea.pure": 0.1,
    "workbench1": 4.0,
    "workbench2": 4.0,
    "workbench3": 4.0,
    "wrappedgift": 2.0,
    "wrappingpaper": 2.0,
    "xmas.decoration.baubels": 1.0,
    "xmas.decoration.candycanes": 1.0,
    "xmas.decoration.gingerbreadmen": 1.0,
    "xmas.decoration.lights": 1.0,
    "xmas.decoration.pinecone": 1.0,
    "xmas.decoration.star": 1.0,
    "xmas.decoration.tinsel": 1.0,
    "xmas.door.garland": 1.0,
    "xmas.lightstring": 1.0,
    "xmas.lightstring.advanced": 1.0,
    "xmas.present.large": 1.0,
    "xmas.present.medium": 1.0,
    "xmas.present.small": 1.0,
    "xmas.tree": 1.0,
    "xmas.window.garland": 1.0,
    "xmasdoorwreath": 1.0,
    "xylophone": 2.0,
    "yellow.berry": 0.3


First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 4 ratings

Latest Release v2.0.9

Oct 5, 2024 at 12:36 AM
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

More resources from k1lly0u

  • PilotEject
    A mini event where a helicopter malfunctions and the pilot has to eject
  • HeliRefuel
    A mini-event where a helicopter populated with NPCs needs to land to refuel
  • ZombieHorde
    Create hordes of zombies that roam around your server looking for brains
  • Admin Menu
    Admin Menu
    Manage groups, permissions, commands and convars from a GUI menu
  • TeleportGUI
    Teleport, home and warp with a easy to use UI

Loadouts by k1lly0u
© chaoscode.io Sep 1, 2020

Latest reviews

Very interesting and super fun! Thanks for the plugin, it works extremely well and is optimized! Worth every penny!
Awesome plugin. The loadout drop is the most satisfying thing to watch and hear. All 3 of the people that play on my server love it.
exellent idee