
PlayerSkins 3.0.9

Added a new skin view mode. Players can toggle between old and new.

No further changes other then some small code cleanup.

Thanks; and enjoy!


  • NewView.PNG
    990.3 KB · Views: 643
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Sorry, I forgot to change isReady to IsReady.

Should be good now.
You MUST update ImageLibrary. This update is solely for the ImageLibrary update.

Resized Skin Selection window and added back, next, and close buttons

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I went ahead and redid the entire ui, I think it looks a LOT better. The reset updates I made to ImageLibrary were intended so I could have the skin information now present in this plugin. To include Up/Down votes, community score, description, etc.

I also went ahead and added NPC support. Please read the description for how to setup NPCs and how to disable the regular global menu.

I also added hooks so you can give and take Skin Tokens from another plugin. For example, on Giveaways which I am selling you can add Skin Tokens as a raffle item.


  • Menu1.PNG
    1,014.4 KB · Views: 629
  • Menu2.PNG
    871.9 KB · Views: 624
  • Menu3.PNG
    949.6 KB · Views: 608
  • ReskinNPC.PNG
    901.6 KB · Views: 600
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Removed internal image control. I did this for two reasons:

1. I own and manage ImageLibrary so there isn't any risk that it will not be supported.
2. For those of you using this and ImageLibrary are saving the skins twice and that is a TON of storage.

I went ahead and added Chat/Console Commands to Add and Remove Skin Tokens. Please see overview for how they work and syntax.

I added skin pricing. So now you can set in the config the cost per skin (similar functionality as the purchase item logic). In other words, if you set the price of an AK in the config to 5, it will not cost 5 tokens per skin purchased.

I changed some logic to increase performance it seems to be running a bit better and I trimmed a ton of code.

I went ahead and posted this version in full code form so if you want to make color changes and such it will be easier then the single line format.

I appreciate the support on this plugin and I am doing my best! It is hard with this many images!
I added a new config option to change the UI Button Color, so reload a new config!

Fixed Item creation process which was causing the ui to freeze.

Fixed a bug that prevented players from buying access because they didnt have access.... wow!
Fixed a chat message saying old no longer valid chat commands.